Diet & Nutrition for Seniors

  • Are You Eating Your ABCs?

    Specific vitamins can have a significant positive (or negative) impact on your health. Learn what each one does, how to spot a deficiency, and what foods you should add to your diet to make sure you're meeting your nutritional requirements.

  • Hydration Tips for Seniors

    For many caregivers, preventing dehydration in elderly loved ones is a daily struggle. Learn how to help seniors get the fluids they need, even if they won’t drink water.

  • How to Make Healthy Meals When You Have No Time to Cook

    Cooking well-balanced meals is probably the last thing on your mind when you’re juggling work, family and caregiving, but the truth is that good nutrition is closely tied to good health. Use these tips and shortcuts to improve your dietary habits.

  • 5 High-Calorie Foods Your Elder Will Enjoy

    Working around age-related changes in appetite and food preferences can be tricky for family caregivers. Try these tasty tips to help your loved one maintain a healthy weight and get the vital nutrients they need.

  • 5 Healthy Foods That Interact With Medications

    Eating a nutritious diet and taking medications as prescribed by a doctor may seem like a recipe for good health, but even wholesome ingredients like leafy greens and fruit can cause food-drug interactions. Keep an eye out for these unsafe combinations.

  • 9 Nutrition Tips During Cancer Treatment

    Eating is often difficult for a cancer-stricken senior. But the weakness and fatigue associated with not getting enough nutrients can give cancer the upper hand. Learn how to make sure your loved one is getting the food they need.

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  • Think Twice About Nutritional Supplement Drinks for Elderly Loved Ones

    Caregivers are often stumped when elders lose their appetite or stop eating altogether. Weigh the pros and cons of incorporating a supplement shake into an elder’s diet.

  • Senior Nutrition: How to Tell if a Loved One Is Eating

    As we age, eating often becomes more of a chore than a pleasure. Look for these signs that a senior is not eating well and use these tips to prevent malnutrition.

  • 10 Tips for a Healthy Diet After Age 50

    A registered dietitian explains what nutrients are most important for older adults and how you and your loved one can work on adopting healthier eating habits together.

  • Why Seniors Refuse to Eat and What You Can Do About It

    When an elderly loved one stops eating or only picks at their food during meals, usually our first reaction is to urge them to eat. Instead, consider the underlying reasons for their loss of appetite and how they can be addressed.

  • The Risks and Benefits of Feeding Tubes for the Elderly

    Deciding whether to use a feeding tube is a complex matter, especially for older patients. Family caregivers should understand why and when tube feeding is appropriate in case they must make this choice for their loved one someday.

  • Evaluating Alternative Treatments for Alzheimer's and Dementia

    It can be difficult to distinguish scientifically proven options from hyped up “remedies” and expensive “cures.” Know what to look for in an alternative treatment and how to decide if it's worth trying.

  • How to Sneak Calories and Nutrients Into a Senior's Diet

    Caregivers know that seniors need proper nutrition in order to maintain and improve their health, but how do we make this happen when they don’t want to eat?

  • Swallowing Disorders: Tips for Using Food and Beverage Thickeners

    When a senior is having trouble swallowing, known as dysphagia, doctors recommend thickening meals and drinks to avoid choking and aspiration. Use these tips to address dehydration and malnutrition issues in people who have a swallowing disorder.

  • Caring for a Loved One with Lung Disease

    For seniors with lung disease, difficulty breathing is a common symptom that can affect energy levels and limit activities. Explore tips on how to help someone with respiratory problems improve their sleep quality, nutrition and overall health.

  • Losing the Ability to Swallow: How to Help Someone With Dysphagia

    With conditions like stroke, Parkinson’s disease and dementia, swallowing issues can develop that increase the risk of choking and aspiration pneumonia. Learn the signs of dysphagia and how to help a senior eat and drink safely.

  • Understanding Activities of Daily Living: Checklists, Assessments, and More

    Assessing basic ADLs and instrumental ADLs helps determine the level of care a senior needs and what programs and benefits they may be eligible for.

  • Lowering My Blood Pressure without Pills

    My blood pressure has been a challenge these past few years... sometimes too low, sometimes too high. I'm trying to take fewer meds and supplements, so here are a few "natural" things I'm doing to keep my blood pressure in check.

  • The Bedtime Combo that Keeps Me "Regular"

    I hate being constipated, and I suspect you feel that way, too. Here's my secret recipe that spells R-E-L-I-E-F.

  • 5 Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency in the Elderly

    Vitamin D deficiency is common in seniors and has been linked to age-related health conditions like cognitive decline, bone loss and depression. Look for these symptoms of low vitamin D to ensure older adults get the nutrients they need.

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