
I’m afraid I don’t quite understand the financial implications of moving mom (enrolled in COPES) from her AFH to our home. I learned today she was approved there for 115 hours a month. How is that even possible since she will be here 24/7? Do you have experience to help me understand better? Thank you.

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I'm not familiar with COPES and AFH. Is AFH an ALF?

As far as the Medicaid approval, you will get some in home help, about 4 hours a day. You will be responsible for caring for her the rest of the time. Or, please clarify, is Medicaid paying you 115 hours a month? and if so, how much per hour?
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COPES is specific to WA state and is a Medicaid Waiver program (for in-home care services):

"HCBS – COPES Waiver Renewal

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) approved the renewal application for the Community Options Program Entry System (COPES) waiver, WA.0049, on September 29, 2023. With the approved renewal application, the state is allowed to continue to provide COPES waiver services to eligible persons. The COPES waiver renewal is effective January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2028.

The COPES waiver was implemented in 1982 and is one of the oldest waivers in the nation. It provides services to over 53,000 individuals living in their own homes, Assisted Living Facilities, and Adult Family Homes in Washington state. Without the home and community-based services and supports provided under COPES, individuals would require the level of care provided in a nursing facility. Services in the COPES waiver act as a wraparound to services available in the Community First Choice (CFC) State Plan program. Services available in this waiver include:

Client Support Training/Wellness Education
Skilled Nursing
Home Delivered Meals
Environmental Modifications
Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies
Adult Day Care
Adult Day Health
Community Choice Guiding
Community Support: Goods and Services"


In my time on this forum since 2019 I've only ever read of one poster who was able to get his state's Medicaid to pay for 100% of in home 24/7 caregivers -- and he was a lawyer.
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Zippy, Mom isn't in a nursing home now, but apparently in an adult family home (AFH). OP's profile says she's "terrified" of living with her mother. It's not clear why they want to move Mom from her current living situation into their home. I suspect the 115 hours/month are wrap-around services covered by Medicaid through the waiver program, but that mom is also paying room and board at the AFH where she has 24/7 supervision/care. Note that paying in-home caregivers is not on the list of services available under the COPES program. If mom goes to OP's home, she may still get the 115 hours but the overall 24/7 responsibility will be on the family and it doesn't sound as though they would be paid under the program. Adult day care would be available, and that relieve some of the family burden, but that's assuming mom is physically and mentally capable and willing to do that.
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Clevelandette May 3, 2024
You have the lay of the land … “terrified” because of what it will do to us, but Mom is definitely not thriving in that environment, so we do what we must. My kids want what’s best for her, as well — our guilt of keeping this bright, personable person in a quiet, unengaging environment is hard on us.

But my understanding is that we *would* become her paid caregivers under the COPES waivers, maybe as much as the current 115 hours per month. Is that counter to reality?
See 1 more reply
"The Community Options Program Entry System (COPES) program provides help for people in their homes so they won't have to go into a nursing home. Clients may pay a portion of the cost of services, based on their income. State and federal funds provide the balance of the money."

Can she get these hours wherevshe is living now? If so, then why move her? Is itba money problem?

Medicaid never, except for this lawyer, gives 24/7 care in home care. Why are you not considering placing her in a Long-term facility with Medicaid paying?
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Is there somewhere in all of this a case worker, a social workers, a worker at the AFH (adult family home) who can help guide you to some information? I just can't imagine that we, so widely spread around the world, would have the details that you need.
Your expressing your terror at having her in YOUR home makes me afraid FOR you. Please, under any circumstances, don't do this. While you don't give us any details here there is a good reason your mom is in care. She must stay in care. There isn't any way you are qualified to, or can cope with caring for you. Sacrificing your own life will not help her and may kill you. Don't do it. Keep searching for answers. Once you have taken your mom into your home you have made it HER home and you will have painted yourself in a corner you cannot easily escape.

I sure wish you the best.
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