
I'm in need of information about hearing aids that truly work for my DH. He did get tested some years ago and bought the MOST expensive hearing aids he could.
Never really got used to them and actually hates them now, refusing to wear them at all.
He seems to have an adverse reaction to latex, which is on the h/a's to cover the ear canal. 1/2 hour of wearing them and he's taking them off and scratching his ear canals.
I want BRAND NAMES and honestly, money is not a worry.
I know many people have gone the Costco route and are happy. I know that a big part of this is being compliant in the use of them and re-learning how to weed out the ambient noise.
I've posted lengthy posts before and got a lot of flak for things that were said. Please don't let this dissolve into discontent and fighting. I just need recommendations. He says he will give ONE more try at finding aids that really help him.
Thank you in advance.
There's no link to hearing aids, so I am going with Care Decisions.

Be aware, that digital takes time for the brain to adjust to. The old analog you heard exactly how the person sounds. The digital you don't and the brain needs to adjust to that and that can take 2 weeks or more. And there is always some tweaking. Once worn for awhile, tubing may need cleaning out or replaced. Ear molds shrink and need replacing.
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Reply to JoAnn29

Can he use Air Pods? I just saw a bit (did not read it because I do not like anything in my ears) that the FDA recently approved Air Pods with hearing aid feature.
Ok, just read a bit more and these would be for "mild to moderate" hearing loss.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Grandma1954

My 95-yr old Mom is a retired RN with a latex allergy. She's had hearing aids from Costco for a few years now and hasn't had any problems (and she's very allergic to latex). The tips/inserts that go into her ear have a little foam cover on them that are removable. Every once in a while she complains about itchiness but very rarely and sometimes I think it may be vibrations or sound waves causing it, or seasonal allergies. I will be going over to put them in for her shortly so I'll let you know what brand they are.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777
Geaton777 11 hours ago
My Mom has Kirkland Signature 10.0 with Tcoil made by Phonak (and the word "Premium" so probably one of their higher-end models).
I got mine online. $1500 Eargos. The hearing test was through the cell phone. I consulted with the audiologist by phone. I've been happy with them for 3 years.
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Reply to brandee

I have molded ear pieces made of plastic
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Reply to MACinCT

You cannot just go out and get hearing aids. He should see an audiologist. Things have changed drastically over "some years ago". With the digital there is a high range and a low range the aides are set to. All done by computor. If money is no object, I would go this way. An audiologist can clean out ear wax. If husband is in need of a ENT, he will probably been referred to one. My husbands loss of hearing is caused by a childhood accident that cannot be corrected surgically. He sees an audiologist every year.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29
Midkid58 Sep 18, 2024
He did indeed work through an audiologist when he got his first (and only) set of hearing aids. That's how I know how severe his hearing loss is.

He has also been to an ENT.

I know he watches a lot of Fox News and they advertise some kind of hearing aids on that channel. Maybe we'll check them out. The ones he decided on (some years ago) were supposedly THE BEST, but he never acclimated to them.
It's been close to 10 years, so I have to think that there might have been some strides in the quality of h/a's.

My neighbor got the Costco ones and loves them. I think we need to get him to try several new types, and have a money-back guarantee.
Midkid58, just curious, did your hubby ever go to an Ear Nose Throat doctor to have his ears checked? Why I ask is that my hubby had lost his hearing in one ear but he refused to even discuss hearing aids.

One day I told hubby maybe he should see an ENT to check that ear, and I know of one that comes highly recommended. So he made an appointment. Turned out with the equipment she used to look into his ear was so much more advanced than what our primary doctor had, she found ear wax had harden like cement way down in his ear canal. It was no easy task to remove it, took several sessions. Now hubby can hear out of that ear. But the "selective hearing" still remains :P
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to freqflyer

Mid, we found that price did not determine quality.

One cousin wears the 150.00 each and LOVES them, another cousin has the Costco ones @6k and he LOVES those.

My husband has spent 10s of thousands looking for one's that work, to no avail.

Good luck finding ones that work for your DH.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Isthisrealyreal

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