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Not to be flippant, but when you feel like one. I don't believe in arbitrary designations.
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I want to know when are you "legally" considered a senior. Lots of benefits come only when you reach a certain age. What is that age 60? 62? 65?
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"Legally" can also be an arbitrary number, imo.

If using retirement as your rule, the Social Security says you are 65, retirement age. That number could change.

If you are age 50, AARP will let you be a member to their senior focused magazine and organization, allowing senior resources everywhere.

If you are age 55, Senior Communities will allow you to live there-however that may change too when the owner changes the senior community designation to all ages/family status.

If you are 62, the Senior Center supportive sevices department qualifies you for certain services at the senior center, not before.

If at age 10, and if I was age 15, then at that time I woukd be 5 years your senior.

So Harry, tell us why you are asking, and as your senior, maybe someone can answer if you have more questions than answers.

Welcome to your Senior Forum!
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Sorry, I am not sure how old one has to be to get the senior discount at Denny's or other coffeeshop restaurants. Another place to meet other seniors for breakfast.
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McDonald will give a discount or free small coffee for 55+. Many of the chain restaurants will give 10% if one is 55+ or 65+ on certain days.

Harris Teeter grocery store will give 5% discount on Tuesday if 60+. Kohl's will give 15% off on Tuesday for 60+.

To find out if any of your local stores have discounts Google "senior discount at [type in name of store].
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As for "legally" when does one become a senior. I don't believe there is any law saying when that happens.
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I recently ordered a senior coffee at McDonald's. (Here it's just reduced rate, not free.) I was insulted that they didn't bat an eye or ask to see my ID. Just rang it up and served me. I should have prepared myself. lol
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FF, Darn! Unfortunately, I am this age everyday, not just on certain days.!
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Send, LOL guess those fast foods think we eat only once a week.... and Kohl's think we don't get out of our pajamas except on Tuesdays ;)
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harryharry, in Massachusetts, senior property tax exemption is age 65
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