
I started looking through dad's Visa statement. There was an amount taken out every month, in different amounts between $200- 650. All it said was automatic phone payment. At first I thought it was for a phone bill, it's not. Mom died 4/9 and on 4/14 there was another automatic phone payment.

My sister-in-law disconnected mom's phone so I can not retrieve a confirmation code since all Visa had was mom's phone as the contact.

I've sent them the POA and death certificate.

I don't know what else I can do, someone is clearly using this card but they won't close it.

I would hope by now the OP got this straightened out. OP has not responded since posting the question.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29
AlvaDeer Jun 11, 2024
She wrote us several questions and she did respond to us about what she had tried and what not, but now she is gone. I recall them telling her to go to B of A and she told us she was four hours away. I told her I would make the trip and she said Dad in W/C and would be just too tough. I would love to see her come back and tell us how she is doing.
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It is a joint account? The bank won't close it because they want the spouse to remain responsible for the debt.

Tarna is right, report the card as stolen.
Send for a credit report which might show what debt is being paid.
Then report it to the 3 major Credit Reporting Agencies as stolen.

Can you ask sister-in-law what the phone payment was for?
Can you check a shopping network bill, or an Amazon account?
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Sendhelp

I had some of these issues with first my mother and now it's happening with my father since he's on hospice and cannot speak for himself and I'm his POA/there are no other family members. I just write on the unopened envelope DECEASED/RETURN TO SENDER. I also got terribly distressed about loose ends like this but it actually worked and the mail and calls stopped. I made sure their real bills were paid and if anyone called to ask for him I would say she/he is deceased thank you for being respectful and hang up.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to gemswinner12

BOA is impossible to deal with. They won’t accept the POA documents you send you have to fill out theirs which is 100 pages long. Then after you send in they will claim they never got them. I spent an entire day at the bank trying to just get my father’s address changed to mine as he was in AL and I was managing his money. Then after he died they insisted I had to have an appointment to close out his accounts only to get there and have the person I had an appointment with not be there.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to lkdrymom

Report the card as stolen.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Taarna
gemswinner12 Jun 10, 2024
That could work well, yet usually they want to hear it from the person themselves and want to transfer you around and then when you say you're not that person you're the POA they give you another round of run-arounds Fill this out/ send us this notarized form, on and on it goes... Unless you can get an automated robot answering the phone to just push one to report card missing/stolen, something like that would be ideal.
In my experience all Banks issue credit cards, Visa, Mastercard. Ect. When I call the number on the back I am calling the Bank who issued it to me. They issue, they can close. I pay to the Bank when I pay. My GF worked for a Bank. Thats how I got my first card. The Bank had a dept for just Mastercard.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to JoAnn29

Have you contacted the issuing bank? That is who would close a credit card not VISA.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Isthisrealyreal
AlvaDeer Jun 2, 2024
K tells us below in her responses that she was told to do this, that the issuing bank is B of A, and that she was told that her father and she herself should go to the bank. It is four hours away and Dad is in a w/c. She is trying to avoid that, but I feel she will have to do that and should have an appointment with a bank officer before the trip is made, and her POA papers with her. She is still trying to avoid this hardship.
Kweimer: Dispute the charges with the credit card company.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Llamalover47

Get atty to write letter and request refund for all bills paid after her death.

You might contact your state attorney general or office of inspector general to ask for help.

Local police might be able to help to find out who/what the payments are covering. Tell bank to remove auto payment...or close that acct and open new one.

Just keep all documentation of talking or writing to credit card company.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to my2cents

Go into the bank and ask to see the manager
tell them you’re contacting ting the police for fraud
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Jenny10
Geaton777 May 30, 2024
The bank has nothing to do with this and has no power in this situation. The police can also do nothing since there's no proof of a crime (and they don't deal with this type of digital theft anyway).
See 1 more reply
Contact the fraud department. Telling them the card was stolen is the best way to stop these transactions. Dispute the charge!!! If you have reached to the person/ organization that is taking this money by notifying them of cardholder’s death, provided them with a death certificate, etc., then the bank should have no problem canceling that card.
Seriously, I’ve cancelled my card over a lot less. If I don’t recognize a charge, that’s it! CANCELED!
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to Monicaj0421


Do you have an update on this?
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Geaton777

Is there not a phone number on the statements for each of these charges? Call those numbers and tell them she has passed and ask that the charges be stopped. Speak to the credit card's fraud department and let them know you think there are fraudulent charges on the card. Cancel the card. Since you feel dad is still of sound mind, explain to him that he needs a new card with a new bank in order to start fresh and not having these unaccounted for charges follow him.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to graygrammie

Are you dealing with BOA? if so, I posted my opinion of them below in the thread, but long story short, BOA is extremely difficult and it can feel downright impossible to deal with them. They are the worst ever; just don't be nice but be a bulldog.

A few things.

I'd do whatever is required and possible for you to freeze and/or close that account.

I wouldn't wait to dispute the charged.

You stated your parents didn't do anything online. My mom was the same, but with my then POA, which I only needed ethically for this, I set up the online account for mom myself, but I created a email account for mom that I had access and control to, and then I used that email to setup the online access to her BOA and other accounts. I then had control to see activity, etc. on the account. The only thing we couldn't do online was close the crappy BOA account. Whatever you do, do not put your name on the account. Your POA with Dad is good enough for everything else.

I never get paper stmts, but I know that online stmts will show vendors phone numbers if you drill down on each charge. I think you'll need to find that info to see who is charging on the account. Then contact them, if they're some legit vendor- like a subscription service - to get address info to send then the death certificate or just stop that service. You may be able to get a charge back from them if you explain the situation. But BOA will not help you there, I'm afraid. However, if it's not a vendor and someone just using the card at various stores, etc. then that is definitely fraud, and you'll have to deal with BOA. I suggest dealing with BOA in writing and documenting all your efforts with them.

I second the idea of reporting the card stolen, but verify the address on the account to where the new card will be sent. Hopefully, it's just the one address.
Maybe if reported stolen, they'll allow you to change the PIN code.

Also, when you setup the online access, fill out all the available security questions THEN call to change the code by answering the security questions you set up.

Since the codes are sent to your mom's old phone, I'm wondering if you can add a phone number to the account via online, then request the code be sent to either that new number (yours) or both. Might be worth a try.

Good luck!
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to babziellia
Bunnymomjulie May 30, 2024
Haha! My mom used to call B of A "Bunch of A$$holes".

Had to add that.
What a nightmare.
I’ll tell you what I did.
I let the company know, formally, that person who owned the card was deceased as of this date.
i let them know that all assets would be reallocated via a will and they would know longer be paid.
i closed the account from where the automatic payment was drawn so no more money went to the card.
In about one month, I got a closing statement.

Good luck!
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Woolncathairs
Woolncathairs May 30, 2024
Know=no longer
They won't close it if there is a balance due. The auto-pay amount(s) may be for past service.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to RedVanAnnie

I faced somewhat similar situations with accounts for my mother and sister. Microsoft had a recurring charge - once a year. I had to set up another account in order to close out hers but got it done. On another, phone company insisted on talking with sister as I tried to close out that account. With dementia and not living anywhere close, having sister talk on the phone was not possible. So they finally agreed to go down through her "Security Questions". Seriously? No information found in the house, but go ahead and ask. First question was 'her favorite actor'. My sister did not go to the movies. I just pulled a name out of the air and happened to guess right. Frustrating, but in the end I realized those companies were being protective.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to JLyn69

Now in my IL's case years ago, before either passed away, we found that they were paying for a relative's cable service and someone (else?) was doing regular withdrawals from their checking account directly into an account. They had both had dementia for a couple of years and someone or someones was taking advantage of them.

The bank said we had to file a police report in order for them to stop future withdrawals. The bank also returned the last 6 (?) months of withdrawals but that was all that was required of them.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to OncehatedDIL

******If the deceased used their credit card to make recurring payments on any other accounts, such as utility bills or other subscriptions, you will need to cancel those. ******

Someone else said this - and this was what we found to be significant after my son died. Those charges will keep adding up until they are canceled. We had such a difficult time with his internet provide Frontier (they kept saying they were sending forms and that they needed a death certificate along with the forms and we were NOT receiving anything from them) we finally found their app on his phone and used the app the cancel the service.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to OncehatedDIL

Report it stolen is right. If these money withdraws are cash advances, they would have had to be done in a bank and the card holder wouldhave had to show identification to get cash withdraws. There is no $650 withdraw done at an ATM machine so that was done in a bank. What bank do your parents use? A pos can get statements and copies of every tranaction going back years.

Report the card stolen. Then when the new one arrives, call Visa and set up a password on it. If a card has a password it cannot be used without it's password.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to BurntCaregiver
olddude May 30, 2024
Quite frankly, if dad has dementia I would not even activate the new card. He doesn't need a credit card at this point.
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Fastest way to stop this nonsense is call & say CARD IS LOST. They will close that account number, and reissue a new card with new number. Thus that auto payment STOPS. Whoever was getting that auto payment will try to contact Mom for the new card number.
When new card arrives, keep it stashed somewhere safe.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to Dawn88
Geaton777 May 25, 2024
My CapOne card is hacked almost every year. THey shut it down and issue me a new card and number BUT they allow "approved" and regular ach payments to roll over onto the new card without me having to do anything. It sounds like the phone charge is monthly and it may not solve the problem. They need to report that THAT charge in particular is fraudulent so they will stop it.
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I don’t see how her estate can be held liable for any charges made after her death.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Southernwaver
AlvaDeer May 26, 2024
Hubby is living and on the card. It is the husband/father the OP is acting for now.
Death certificate usually does the trick .
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to KNance72
AlvaDeer May 26, 2024
Hubby is on the card.
He is the one OP is acting for.
So he is getting the charge now. And they won't cancel the card which is now his responsibility even tho he is sinking into dementia.
Geaton, I think when a family member proves a death, the acct should be frozen right then and there. But I think in this instance Dad is primary and Mom an approved user. Moms death has nothing to do with the card. So Dad has to freeze the card.

I came back to say that I had a thought. This maybe an automatic payment of some kind. Meaning you would have to call the company doing it to prove Mom is now deceased for it to stop. By freezing the acct, you may hear from this company and then u tell them Mom is deceased and the acct has been closed. The different amounts baffle me.

Please return to tell us what happened. It will help us in dealing with our parents and even ourselves.

I so wish I was there. When I worked I loved the research.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to JoAnn29
NeedHelpWithMom May 25, 2024
I agree, JoAnn.

This situation is baffling to me as well. It certainly is a mystery.

I would like to know how the OP settles this situation.

I wonder how many others have gone through similar experiences.
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If Dad is the primary on the card, he can freeze it. I don't think if there is a balance on the card they will close the account until its paid off. If Mom was primary, you again should be at least allowed to freeze it just because she has passed.

I would make a list of charges that are not recognized by Dad. I would ask the credit card people where these charges are originating from.

Now you have POA for Dad you maybe able to get around all this. But if Mom was primary, Dads POA means nothing. Even though an Executor request has been made in a Will, your not executor until Probate gives u a short certificate saying you can handle a persons estate.

Now you have Dads POA and if he is primary on the card you call together. Making the person aware that you are on a Captel phone so Dads response time will be slow because there is a 3rd party involved. There really should be no problem in freezing the acct and fraudulant charges should be a good reason. You may need to make a complaint to the fraud department. So I would go that way first. Explain that there are unexplained charges on the card. That onebof these charges were made after Moms death and after her phone was shut off. If you get nowhere with the person answering your call, ask the person for a supervisor.

The important thing is to freeze that acct. Then the credit card company needs to tell you how this transaction was done and who it went to. Did Mom have a caregiver that would have access to her phone and card? These charges, while under investigation, cannot be charged financial charges. I think the Credit Card Company has 30 days to reseach your claim. The FTC (Federal Trade Comission) is in charge of Credit Card Companies. So contact them if you get nowhere with the CC company.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to JoAnn29
Geaton777 May 25, 2024
When my Aunt passed away I contacted Discover to let them know about it. Even though they didn't have my PoA or Executor paperwork, since the account was under her name, they shut it down before I could even finish the sentance. The protocol varies by card company. Her sister, the surviving Aunt, was only an approved user and the sudden cancellation left her without a card. Ironically, Discover wouldn't approve her for her own card. Not many companies want to give a 105-yr old with only ss income a cc. Fortunately her own bank was willing.
You should be able to prove your case with the POA and death certificate.
OMG does it ever end?
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Bubba12345
Kwiemer May 24, 2024
So, there cable was clear... I canceled that and sent back the cable box.
This is clearly fraud, but unless I can prove that a deceased woman didn't agree that they could use the card I have no case.
Time, that's it. I have to wait until visa gets the POA and death certificate and hope they let me cancel the card
I never would have guessed this would happen. I thought all I would have to do is find where the finances went. Did I think my brother would keep scamming my parents.. no, because I would never do it!
Any chance they could have had their ATT or cable tv charged to the VISA?
I would call the bank and tell them the card was stolen.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Bubba12345
Kwiemer May 24, 2024
Cant do that because my sister in law canceled mom's cellphone. Visa sends a confirmation code to her phone because that was mom's contact, her phone.
I gave visa my phone number but visa said it wouldn't work
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Maybe call them and tell them that the card is lost. They will have to shut down that number, at least.

I would call my state or federal representative. Maybe the tv station. Maybe one of those places can put some pressure on them.

Sheesh. I’m sorry this is happening to you!
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to cxmoody
NeedHelpWithMom May 24, 2024
I wonder if the person who is using the card will then call and ask for another card too.

Not a bad idea to call a television station. I would try anything at this point!
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I honestly don't know.

A friend of mine thinks it could be online shopping. By the way, my mom didn't have internet.

It says... automated phone payment, then a 4 number code, then the amount.

All code numbers are different so are the amounts
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Kwiemer
Kwiemer May 24, 2024
This will be just another thing I won't be able to prove.
Is the automatic payment by chance being taken out by AT&T? Just wondering as of all the accounts I had to close after my dad died, they were by far the most difficult to deal with. I spoke with seemingly endless employees, both on the phone and in person who insisted they couldn’t close his account without him coming in to authorize it. Even with my standing before them with a death certificate. They were unreal
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Daughterof1930
NeedHelpWithMom May 24, 2024
Isn’t that ridiculous?

There is no logical reason for their behavior. You had a death certificate, for crying out loud!

It’s a shame that you had to deal with this nonsense shortly after your dad died.
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