
There's a large tumor discovered Mar. 23 on my R kidney; the pain worsened on Saturday to radiate from the waist towards the front, about 10 inches in a line. MD said "warm showers to relax, read, listen to music, walk, do something to take your mind off it" until surgery, which is some weeks away. Would anyone know more immediate relief methods? Currently, I'm using hot showers and a heating pad that helps quite a lot in addition to his advice. The prescribed tylenol stopped working on Saturday; it was 650 mgs every 6 hrs. I switched to my old standby: aspirin every 4 hours. MD said "stop aspirin 1 week prior to surgery" which I intend to do.

The area is approx. 8 inches in diameter for the pain source, which was described as 'grapefruit' sized tumor. I can feel the pushing of the tumor against my ribs and guts, with noticeable distension and extra firmness to the area. Any hints appreciated.

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you can’t take toradol or other nsaids given the kidney involvement. I would say at least a little tramadol is in order. It was a non controlled drug until 2016 but then opiate crisis.

Opioids are the most effective analgesic class, far more than the near worthless and very dangerous cocktails of 1980s antiepileptics and antidepressants, augmented by weirdo antipsychotics like seroquel. It’s about as effective as aromatherapy and homeopathic woo, in my opinion.
Helpful Answer (1)
JoAnn29 Apr 2022
My mom was put on tramadol in her 80s and it caused hallucinations. When a doctor found out they had been prescribed he said it shouldn't for the elderly. I had a 50 yr old friend that the same thing happened to.
Call the closest teaching hospital like the Mayo Clinic and get treated properly,
quickly. hint, hint.

Delaying surgery on a tumor like that is unconscionable, imo.
Helpful Answer (3)
pronker Apr 2022
You made me smile, thanks.
There have been people with what seems like "emergencies" that never went to the E.R. And I am no expert, and do not want to scare you with even more concerns than you may already be having.

Common sense says to me that just because you have a surgery scheduled (some time in the future) does not mean that you should have to endure or ignore acute, increasing pain.
Of course, call your doctor. Ask if you should go to the E.R. ??

A tumor that size can rupture and become life-threatening. How will you know?

If you were family, and I knew a little more as to why your surgery is so far away from Mar. 23rd., I might suggest you go to the E.R. for the proper pain meds and an update (MRI) on the tumor. And, to stop the aspirin "as if" you were going to require emergency surgery any day.

At the very least, return to see your doctor right away.
Helpful Answer (3)
pronker Apr 2022
Thank you for the advice. I've been so spoiled and had no hospitalization since age 5. This is a whirlwind.
In checking the ratings of hospitals in the area of Stockton, I would go out of that area to seek treatment.

Even St. Joseph's does not mention Nephrology as a specialty, I could be wrong.

Try UCSF, or the Mayo Clinic in Arizona?
Helpful Answer (2)

Your pain is caused by the tumor pressing against surrounding structures. It's like having somebody stepping on your toes. The pain killers only numb your pain a little. The pain will go away when the tumor and perhaps the kidney are removed. Do you know the nature if your tumor? Is it a cyst or a malignant tumor? I assume that if the tumor were malignant, you will have been operated already. That's good news.
Helpful Answer (1)
pronker Apr 2022
Thanks for replying - I'm hoping the pain caused by pressure lessens, which surely it will when the organ is removed, to be replaced by other pain, sure, yet at least this feeling will be a brand new pain! :D
I agree re the opioids, you bet. At hospitalization #1, morphine was given and lived up to its reputation, ha. I'm wondering if CBD oil will provide relief while I'm home.
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PeggySue2020 Apr 2022
I was just going to suggest pot. Specifically Camino thc/CBd 5 mg or their 10 mg product. If new to it, do not take more than one, and expect not to feel it for two hours.

Itll also work well with opiates. Which I’m sorry have been given to treat painful tumors and surgeries for decades and generations safely. If they gave you a Vicodin scrip though the surgery date and post surgery, no, we wouldn’t hear how pronker is mainlining Mexican fent in a crack house.
My nephew went thru this last year. Softball sized malignant tumor on his kidney. He waited for almost 3 months for his surgery, and he went to Cleveland Clinic for treatment. Tumor and kidney were both removed. has been cancer free since that time. No chemo or radiation.
Helpful Answer (4)
pronker Apr 2022
That's so heartening to hear and I'm very pleased for your nephew. Thanks for replying.
Any good acupuncturists in your area?

Year ago I had a bad flare-up from an old injury - it hurt enough I couldn’t sleep. Saw an acupuncturist and omg was kicking myself for not trying that sooner! Later when my headaches came back to the point I was given prescription meds for them, I did a series of acupuncture treatments. Literally have been off those meds since.

Caveat everyone is designed differently and every acupuncturist is different. For me this modality works extremely well and its my go-to for pain issues. ( I respond poorly to many medications too with some scary incidences, so this is a great option for me ) Fyi my initial acupuncturist was from Shanghai and taught acupuncture there too - she was no frills top notch. Found her via a friend’s referral, it’s worth it to look around.

Feel better soon!! Many blessings to you
Helpful Answer (1)
pronker Apr 2022
Thanks for the blessings and for replying because this may be the answer.
Surgery scheduled for June 13. Youngest arrives Thursday to stay for prep and after care, God bless him.
Helpful Answer (7)
bundleofjoy Jun 2022
good luck!!! wishing it to all go well!! :)
Such good news, PR! ((((Hugs))) and keep in touch.
Helpful Answer (1)
pronker Jun 2022
Thanks for the kind wishes and **()()** hugs back. :)
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I find it absolutely cruel to see how many people suffer from serious pain and are given basically nothing to help with the pain. Tylenol alone is completely worthless to me and a lot of other people.

Call, visit--whatever--beg your doc for something that will WORK. The pain is being caused by something, it's not 'in your head' and all the meditation/essential oils/massage isn't going to relieve pain that has an actual, literal cause.

The war on opioids is a lost cause. You KNOW who the biggest abusers of them are? Doctors and others in the healthcare field.

THAT comes from my DIL, an anesthesiologist. She said that people are waaaaay underprescribed for pain.

I wish you luck in getting this dealt with.
Helpful Answer (4)
pronker Jun 2022
Yes, I've heard about pharmacists and professionals in health abusing; I'll say that the norco did wonders in my last hospital stay, which involved putting in a stent to buy time until the surgery. It's great stuff that I intend to use.
If you hurt because somebody is stepping on your toes. Will a hot shower take away the pain? Of course not, unless that person who was stepping on your toes moves away. This is going to happen after the tumor is removed. Meanwhile, a strong pain killer will be needed.
Helpful Answer (3)
pronker Jun 2022
Thanks for the thoughts; yes I plan on using all my allotted meds because if not now, when?
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Op over, great pain lessened by now, feeling better so stopped norco after 1 week and boy, it was my bestest friend for that week. Youngest is my rock, PT back for 4 weeks, with CNA and nurse also the 2x weekly for those weeks. 6 holes, 5 small, 1 6 inch long one. Tylenol helps 25%, YEAH WHATEVER.
Helpful Answer (1)
cxmoody Jun 2022
Glad that the operation is over and done with, and that you had a compassionate doc who prescribed decent pain meds! 😀
Pronker, I am happy to hear that you are done with surgery and doing well.

May you have a complete and full recovery, with no hiccups!
Helpful Answer (1)
pronker Jun 2022
Thank you!
Pronker, so thrilled with your update. So glad that is over for you! Continued healing is my fervent wish.
Helpful Answer (2)
pronker Jun 2022
Thanks very much!
Glad that your ordeal is mostly over! Smooth sailing and good health, my friend! ((((Hugs)))).
Helpful Answer (1)
pronker Jul 2022
Thank you! (hug) It's coming along, slowly but surely; I do treasure this website with its stellar input and encouragement. :)
Been away so just reading this. Glad its all over and you are doing so much better.
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