
THIS ISN'T SMALL STUFF: I feel almost guilty doing this post - because I know good things like this just don't happen. I don't really know how in the world this came about - guess the planets were aligned or something. But it happened.

There is so little really GOOD stuff happening for care givers - I know. But something happened that has given me a real lift! Nothing short of a MIRACLE, actually!

My MIL's sister moved into a fabulous (think very elegant) ALF and has asked my MIL to come and visit here there. She wasn't sure if that would be allowed - but she wanted her only sister to come out for a visit and she had planned to check on it and get back with my MIL.

Her memory isn't real good - so she may have forgotten :0) Because she didn't call back right away.

2 days later and still no word. So, my MIL asked me if I could give them a call and ask if she would be allowed to come and visit. So, I called. The person I spoke to said they would have to pass it by the director. She would call us back.

3 more days and the call finally came. Every single day my MIL asked me if I had heard anything from AZ yet. Finally the call came and IT WAS GOOD NEWS. Yes, she could visit and stay up to a month for the cost of meals ($15 per day). My MIL will be staying with her sister for 3 weeks in January in sunny AZ!! She will be able to erase almost a month of Midwest Winter off her calendar!

I am nearly beside myself with joy! I am so afraid I will wake up and find out it is just a dream.

At first my MIL was just about jumping up and down (IF SHE COULD jump up and down) at the prospect of this trip. Now that her airline ticket has been purchased - she has changed her mind. She doesn't want to go. No doubt because she knows how much my hubby and I WANT her to go :0)

My dear hubby stepped up to bat and told his mother that unless she was dead or hospitalized - she WAS going to AZ and she WAS going to have a great time too! Is he great or what?

I almost hated to post this - because I know so many have it so hard and never ever get a break of any kind - let alone three weeks. But, you know, it doesn't happen often that we are cut a break!

I have found that even spending a few hours at the thrift store does wonders for my spirits. But THREE WEEKS without having to fret and worry at all about my MIL? I can barely contain myself!! I am smiling again ..................

I hope you all have found something GOOD in your day - even something much smaller or simpler. Sometimes it is hard to find anything at all to be grateful for - but we need to keep looking. I know what it is like to feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel too - been there and done that. Most of the time it is the little things that I appreciate. Good coffee, on one and only best friend's emails, my hubby 'fielding' for me with his mother, by soft memory foam pillow, a Blue Moon with and big orange slice in it. We have to take joy is the small stuff because most of the time there are no big things like this one.

Just this morning, we drank our coffee outside and it was such a pleasant start to our day. Try it - you'll like it too :0)

Please forgive me for posting this. I wish I could giver every one of you 3 weeks off too. If wishes came true - you would get to share my good fortune.

If this bubble bursts - I am afraid my sanity will be splattered all over the floor!!!

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Was contacted on face book by a gal I used to know over 50 years ago. Having lost a friend of 45 years just before Christmas this was particularly special. She met both my parents - not many other than relatives left now who had met my father. We have started corresponding, and I think we will revive our relationship.

My other good news is I think, because you never know with Gary till the last minute, that we are going to the Bahamas in March - a short cruise, a couple of nights in a to hotel, then to Florida for a bit. Any place warm and away from here is good for me.

Boni - I love/need solitude too!!!! You will have a great time.
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Having a good hair day.
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Well, she was cute this morning on the way to the hairdresser. We passed a UPS store in the plaza. She said, "What's the upside down store??" I said huh? I said oh you are silly it's the UPS store. She replied, "You piss first, I piss second! HAH!"
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It is very nice to read about your happiness; I'm glad for everyone who is able to squeeze a lot or even a little joy in during rough times.

Despite the aggravating things, my joy comes from seeing my mom and her sister together discussing their lives as little girls, teens and young women. They are ten years apart and mom turns 93 this Sunday! The stories of their schooling, dating and my grandparents (whom I didn't know) are charming and often hilarious since I cannot relate to life in the 1930s, 40s and 50s living on a farm. They laugh like teenagers pretty often and it makes me happy. I have never spent time with my mom and aunt together like this and I'm very happy for them both.

Have a blessed day, everyone!
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Fantastic, BoniChak - I feel better just for thinking of you going! Not long to wait x
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A blessing: Dad's strength and depression seem to be improving—and he's playing more pool, his favorite hobby. He truly is Superman.
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You deserve it Boni!
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Happy Birthday Brandy! Glad things are going so well!
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Several things, found money on the sidewalk, good friends who wished me happy birthday, good books to tell me about boundaries, husband finally shaped up, cousin who called me and is there for me, good health, good sleeping. But most of all the good friends that I have made. Sister sent me a birthday card.
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I'm quite excited! My sister is coming for her bi-yearly, obligatory visit with Mom for 5 days in March. My Brother is sending me to Atlantic City, all expenses paid, including Fun "gambling" money, massage and spa services! Just having something to look forward to has done wonders for my stress and depression! The best part.........SOLITUDE! 5 days of not having to repeat myself a million times. Hell, I might not speak to anyone but the masseuse and the room service guy! Can't wait!
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My good news is I am gonna be a first time grandma and my daughter is expecting twins!
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Great news Pst!!
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Wonderful post. Glad it got brought up to the top. As BoniChak said, We LOVE good news.
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Blimey, PS! - may God preserve you from both.
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The bottom line is if we have our health we have everything we need. I am glad I am grateful for all that I have and all that is right.
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I was invited to a dinner party last night and when I arrived I found out it was for all the former (old) employees of the medical practice I use to work at and to celebrate the 80th Birthday of the doctor we worked for. It was wonderful!!!! Just to be with nice people and people you have loved to work with for a common good was so much fun and God knows I NEED FUN!

Pstegman: Congratulations on your daughters great news! God Bless You Both!
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Yes, but I find dementia easier to cope with than cancer. Maybe because I am 62 and see myself there pretty soon.
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Good news pstegman! Are you helping her and your MIL?
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My daughter who is 32 underwent a bone marrow transplant (BMT) on January 8th for MDS/AML and her blood cell counts are now 75% normal. She will be out of the hospital next week! Thank you God! And all the Angels too!!
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Someone gave me a small turkey and I cooked this evening and it was very good. Honeysuckle brand. Yum!
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captain.... I'm expecting a care package sent to Texas with some of those cinnamon rolls in it!!!
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cold temps and another snow blast coming. this evening im baking big cinnamon yeast rolls and im topping them with cream cheese icing. cant cut wood at 0 degrees.
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I found a quarter on the ground.
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Way to go Madeaa!
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I fixed my furnace today! Holey Moley, that is a good thing in my book, thank God for Wiki How!
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I hear you daredtocare, it is the little things that mean alot, sometimes we can put up with tremendous pressure, but break a shoe lace and it can be all done in. So, good for no hassels for once returning the sheets, hurray
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We took my MIL to see two Assisted Living Facilities. She said she enjoyed it and wants to see more places. :-)
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LOL Brandy! I hope they were all Heads Up! That's good luck!
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I found three pennies on the ground.
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sheeesh, i had to return some sheets i ordered online yesterday and the woman made it really easy. i am not sure this exactly qualifies, but i have gotten ised to EVERYTHING being a problem. so there, i can be grateful for this, lol.
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