
I have a camera in my mom's room, so I know that she did not sleep yesterday or the day before. She is in her room most of the day at her request since we had been in "don't wake the bear" type mode. (She would verbally growl at anyone who interrupted her sleep.) Memory is an issue and she has turned pleasant, which is nice. I started looking at the camera more closely because caregiver had to get "lift and assist" twice yesterday (call 911, get firefighters to put my mom back in bed). Is it "normal" to have complete restlessness 24 hours or more? Two nights ago she was "still" for two hours, since then she is moving in some way every 15 minutes - as a rounded guess.

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As AlvaDeer suggested, check for a UTI.
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Reply to Geaton777

Google terminal insomnia
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Reply to anonymous144448

You would know what the norm is for your mom.
And if this isn't it I would start with a urine check. Get the dipsticks at your pharmacy or Amazon; they are very cheap. Any indications of positives for nitrites, leukocytes or blood in urine means off to doctor with a good specimen that can be checked for urine culture and sensitivity.

If this continues you will, of course, address it with mom's doctors.
Good luck and hope you'll update us.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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