
She never cursed prior to entering a nursing home, and the cna's and nurses are wonderful with her. She is currently on .5 ativan 2ce a day, but it doesn't seem to be calming her. Is there any other medication that might be helpful in this situation.

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This last trip into rehab/nursing home for my mother-in-law was really hard on her mentally. She'd broken her other hip 3 years ago but was in better shape mentally then. She actually remembered falling and breaking it 3 years ago, but not this time. She was agitated and madder then a wet hen, at me especially since I'm the one that spends the most time with her. Well, her behavior had one good side effect, she got her own private room!! She eventually calmed down, however I don't know if they ever gave her any medication that caused her to cool her jets. It was pretty hairy there for awhile. I felt terrible for the gals that were helping her, but like Carol said, they seemed to take it in stride. That in and of itself is sad though.
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This isn't unusual at all and the CNAs are used to it. Many people with dementia go into this phase. Ativan can be helpful. She's likely frightened about not understanding her environment and that fright/anxiety comes out in the swearing behavior. This is hard to watch when you know that this behavior isn't part of the person's personality. Don't take it personally - the CNAs aren't. Remind yourself that this is the disease at work and she can't help it. Keep in touch with the medical people in case they want to try another drug, but many AD behaviors can't be medicated away. We just have to deal with them.
Take care of yourself by getting breaks and talking about your concerns.
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