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This isn't a question that anyone on the forum can answer for you. You need a medical diagnosis. This is very abnormal in someone so young. There are many many conditions that rob one of balance. While aging itself gives us less balance, there is also a whole array of illnesses that affect balance. And there can be help with medication and with physical therapy. You need diagnostic workup. There could be multiple small strokes, Parkinson's, early Lewy's dementia, and many other things. A scan will need to be done and a workup by MD and physical therapists. Good luck. Hope you will update us. This is NOT NORMAL.
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An inner ear infection causes loss of balance, often with little pain and few other symptoms.
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You need to take her to the emergency room like yesterday.

There are lots of very serious issues that can cause this and they are more treatable when addressed earlier than later.

Dont buy into the fear created by the fake news about ERs and covid. They are doing everything they can to protect people, probably safer in a hospital than the grocery store. Get her to medical assistance NOW!
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sunshine45 Jul 2020
I totally agree with Isthisrealyreal.
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I know I have already commented on this post but I have been thinking more about it and wanted to add.

One of my family members that kept falling, we took her to her doctor and she ordered a scan. Nothing was found.

Then one day, my family member "passed" out. Her husband took her to the ER and still they could not find anything. The doctor was going to discharge to go home. Thankfully, her hospital knew something abnormal was going on and he questioned the doctor about the seriousness of the situation.

It was then, the ER doctor agreed and decided to admit her a few days to run some test. That is how they found out her heart medicines were causing her heart rate to drop extremely low.

Please, have your mom tested.
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Sinus infections.
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Dear Fearful00,
There are so many things that can cause your mom to fall. I would suggest you get her to the doctor as soon as possible especially since she has hit her head. She could get a concussion which could become serious. This isn't normal.
P.S. Is she weak? Is she taking a new medication like a sedative? Does she have any hip or knee problems? Whatever the case may be, she needs to be fully evaluated.
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Maybe Vertigo? Is she on any medication? Allergies can also make elderly dizzy and fall.
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AlvaDeer Jul 2020
I hadn't thought of that, Chicka, and as an old RN too long retired, I should have. Medications can often cause orthostatic hypotension, meaning the elder gets up and the blood pressure plummets. It can also be due to dehydration, and we lose as elders our drive to drink fluids, to know we need them. I think there are so many reasons, guessing just not good enough. Too many falls and at some point a hip fracture will happen.
So, thinking more about this:
Low BP
syncope (various causes, many cardiac related)
low heart rate and needs a pacemaker

In short, this is not something to "put off" until her next doc appointment. Especially with head trauma, she needs to be gotten to the ER and make SURE that they understood that she both fell AND hit her head. Two separate things, both of which need to be looked into.
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Isthisrealyreal Jul 2020
This could also be a brain aneurysm that is causing severe dizziness resulting in falls.

No one can know, but we all know that she needs immediate medical attention to avoid more serious issues.

I know a woman that broke her neck when she fell from dizziness, it has not been pretty for her and her recovery is going on year 3.

You are so correct about clarifying that there are falls AND head injury. Two very good reasons to get to the ER in and by themselves.
As you can see there are so many things that can cause falls that to wait may be taking a risk that may lead to damage that can not be reversed.
While I said to contact the doctors office and to call 911 if she falls again, this might be something that you would want to take her to the ER yourself even if she is just a bit dizzy. Even if she does not say anything if you see her even a little off balance bring her in. Do not wait for a fall. The next fall may not just be head trauma but a fractured hip, leg, arm, shoulder....
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There are a number of things that could be making her fall. Seeing a neurologist would be a good idea. I've had relatives that were falling a lot and they ended up having ALS. Parkinsons causes people to fall as well. Hoping for both of your sakes it's something simple and fixable but you should have her checked out as soon as possible. Has there been any change in her voice? Does she drop a lot of things? Trouble swallowing food?
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