
My aunt and grandpa don’t listen when I tell them Prozac can be deadly to people over 90!

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Christy, what is your question? Who gave your Grandma the Prozac and synthetic marajuana? And why?
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Stella Maris Assisted living facility /hospital in Baltimore Maryland. I know she has suffered with depression her whole life but she has NEVER taken anything for it! My Aunt has kept it hush hush from the majority of the family. They gave her these drugs over a month or two period of time. Now she is barely speaking leans to one side it’s horrible! She has no chronic illnesses, no history of cancer no HBP...Eye surgery has been her only surgeries. I mean besides her age she’s pretty healthy. She has been begging us to take her home and we can’t. I can’t. I’m the first grandchild and my mom (my aunts sister )is devastated. It’s almost like they are experimenting with her. It’s scary when you feel helpless! My Aunt and my half deaf Grandfather who can barely hear what they are saying have all the power and make so many decisions without telling us anything. I think they are also burnt out from it all.
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Christycat, synthetic marijuana is more toxic to the brain than regular marijuana.

By the way, i cannot see employees standing on street corners trying to purchase this item which is illegal in Maryland since 2013. So I really doubt that the Assisted Living facility is giving this illegal drug to any of its residents.
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Christy, who is telling you what meds GMA is taking?
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I had the same concern: who is supposedly giving her synthetic marijuana? Marijuana, synthetic or otherwise, is not legal in Maryland.
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What is SYNTHETIC marijuana?

My mom never drank alcohol, smoked cigarettes or pot, took pills and always ate right. Now her health is terrible and she has dementia. Age is the enemy. Cells age. ☹️

Now she takes an antipsychotic med and I wish she didn’t.
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Christy, who is “they”, your aunt and grandpa or the facility? Who is giving her these drugs and where are they getting them? How are they dosing your grandma with them?

There are a lot of holes and missing facts in your posts. Please try to fill them in so we can help. But, if you feel your aunt and grandfather are procuring illegal drugs and giving them to your grandma, you may need to call the authorities.
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There was prescription drug used as an appetite stimulant when My Mom was going thru a weird phase. This was around 8 years ago so forgive me, I don’t remember too many details.

Mom’s Dr explained the medication to me. The medication was marijuana based. Marijuana is illegal in my state so I am guessing it was not natural but synthetic. This prescription drug was NOT the synthetic marijuana bought on the streets that makes people crazy.

This drug was very effective as an appetite stimulant. It did not make my Mom “high”.

This drug was used for a short period of time while the Dr tried to figure out why my Moms metabolism was in overdrive. Mom was eating like a horse but was losing weight pretty rapidly. Moms quality of life was still good and she was still living at home on her own. Mom was also a lot younger than your GM.

I HOPE your GM is not being given the street drug “synthetic marijuana”, which I don’t think is marijuana in any form at all!
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