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Hi, Lindakgive, what is your actual proof, or reasonable suspicion that leads you to allege that the care worker has stolen money from your Dad's wallet? Even if you don't share your suspicions or proof in this forum, may I recommend that you share what you think you know with someone who is not a part of your family, first, to determine whether someone else validates that your suspicions are reasonable and potentially actionable? If you do that simple reality check first, which may also be done in this forum if you are so inclined, it helps you to be on solid ground when taking your next steps. For me only, if my reasonable suspicion or proof were that clear-cut, I would bypass the agency and report the matter to the police, then to the agency to ensure proper checks and balances, rather than risking a potential agency cover-up, or running undue interference to suppress evidence, or circle the wagons around the worker. I am not saying the agency you use would do that, but I prefer checks and balances, rather than assuming that the agency will do the right thing. Kind of like the fox guarding the hen house in my mind.

If I ever had a care worker in an elder's home, I guarantee you that all cash and checks would not be present as temptations to anyone. Wallets would be empty, including of credit cards, drivers' license, and stealable identity information. Call me what you will, but direct care workers in-home are unsupervised, and it is my responsibility to ensure that everything other than furniture and clothes and food is in supermax lockdown. Talk to your Dad and let him know what your plan is to safeguard his assets. If he is not able to understand, then just do what you need to do to secure his identity, his cash, and records, etc., while you are not there to supervise the agency worker.

Good luck!
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You tell the agency nothing, you set up your own nannycam, sit back and watch. When you have proof, you present the agency with the footage. This way both the caregiver and the agency are responsible.

You then cal channel's 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, CNN, FOX NEWS, Good Morning America, Toady, Wendy Williams (who can't hold water) and Michael Moore and give them all the footage, this way the entire world will know that this person is a thief that came from ...particular agency. The agency will be put on point and take better precautions at their hiring process.

Too many times over and over these care givers get fired from one agency only to show up at another without the world knowing what they've done, and without any justice.

I call it Just Cause.
Helpful Answer (3)

Make sure she doesn't use the "your dad gave me permission " excuse, let the agency know that this is going on, and contact the local authorities. unfortunately this does happen a lot, protect your dad"s money by putting it in a personal safe or lockbox, that only you and your dad can access
Helpful Answer (2)

One of my dads caregivers was adding excessive hours to her pay and getting my dad to sign the checks. My brother had POA but I had to report it to the sheriffs dept. because he did not want to do anything about it. The lady had a record in alot of different states,all for stealing. The home health nurse recommended her and my brother who is a DA appoved her. They arrested her as fast as I made the report,because she was on probation.She did avery little time, got out on probation, her probation officer got her a job at another retirement home, where she took advantage of more old people. Pamela's right get the proof,the agency may not care any more than my brother who's part of the system. I do not know where she is now,but I would not be surprised if she is still siting with the elderly or at some school or daycare.We went through alot of theives,but that was the only recommened one.NEVER KEEP CASH AROUND THE HELP, OR CHECK BOOKS.
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Our family suspected a caregiver was taking things, also. Knowing my mother, we could not be sure. I do know that you have to have proof when you accuse, but you could mention to her employers that your father has money missing. You are not accusing her, but you put them on alert. They may have had the same problems at the last place the caretaker was caring for someone. You can also request another caregiver without any explanation.
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This could be starting out small, but end up big - like us. The aide ended up with CD's in her name, thousands taken from safe, etc. Bank managers say, "We see this all the time." Don't delay! You have the right to say who comes and doesn't come into your home from the agency.
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If you know for sure that it's her that's stealing his money, and NOT your dad taking his money and hiding it, then rat her out. The agency needs to know who they're hiring. (But make sure it's iron clad before accusing someone of stealing.)
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You need to make sure he has no money available when she is there and I would say something to her not acussing but that he keeps losing his money so if she is taking it it will be a warning or put fake money in his wallet or a check and write for deposit only on the back so she can not cash or tell the agency to send another aide because when she is there he loses his money and tell the agency you are setting up a sting to give her warning if she is not taking the money she will have no problem or put up camers like they do in school buses most of them are not turned on but the students do not know which ones are or maybe have a neighbor drop in at different times of her shift.
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call the cops
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austin...had a pic of fake geriatric my head monopoly to speak..hmmmm new product venture? Sorry had to have a little LOL on the fake money part..but a good/great idea!
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