
I have until May to spend the $1200 before it affects the $2000 monthly limit in her checking account. I’ve checked with her facility to see if she needs anything as far as equipment or things to make life better for her and she doesn’t. A TV is provided in her room and she doesn’t watch it anyway. Her funeral expenses are all paid for. I can buy her new clothes, but not $1200 worth. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can spend it on? I have to keep all receipts, so I can’t gift it away either. I’m at a loss. Thanks!!

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Yes you can gift it.

"Nursing facilities will not receive any additional private payments. Pre-COVID patient and resident income and asset protections remain in place for the stimulus payments.” ... “In general, a resident can spend the stimulus money as they wish, including gifts and charitable contributions,” the center said.May 21, 2020"
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Momasays Jul 2020
In your reply there was a center mentioned. Could you please tell me the center’s name, the article and the publication? Thanks so much!!
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My suggestion is toward the bottom of my comments here.

I just looked at information from websites including IRS/ Medicaid/Medicare/AARP/Federal Trade Commission/CBS News and others. Your asking about articles or website got me interested in checking this out. I actually learned something in this exercise, so thanks for putting the question out there.

Among other comments from these sources: "Technically, a stimulus payment is an advance on a 2020 tax credit, and tax law states that these credits don't count as “resources” for federal benefit programs such as Medicaid...When Congress calls these payments ‘tax credits’ in the CARES Act, that means the government can't seize them".

"Taxable income can be taken by a nursing home...however, lawmakers said Congress structured the payments as a tax credit, not as taxable income". After month 12 these funds, should there be any remaining, would change from "tax credits" to "assets".

According to sources I'm reading there are no restrictions on how or where the tax credit funds are spent under usual and ordinary circumstances. After 12 months, this tax credit is still not income, but it becomes a resource for Medicaid purposes.

Under ordinary circumstances Medicaid classifies anything that can be spent or traded as an asset. If the tax credit has not been spent down by the end of 12 months, it's an unspent asset. An unspent asset, for Medicaid, is owed to Medicaid.

My Answer To Your Question Is: I might explore getting a hand-held computer or phone device if you can keep it secure. Bring it with you and bring it back home after you visit. A portable phone that you can bring to her when you visit and take home when you leave. Since she doesn't watch the tv or use the phone on her own, you would be buying something for communication purposes. The device would be her property, safeguarded by you.

I often brought items into/out of my spouse's room and there was not a thing the snf could do. Other families did likewise. I'm sure if a family simply took the resident's items and obviously never returned them for the visit or the room, that could be abusive or neglectful and might be questioned. They have a duty also to protect the resident's from bad people.
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Consider putting it towards a pre-paid cremation.
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my mom came down with alzhimers 6 yrs ago and i found out she was on 21 medications i took the time to study each one of them from the original research done on them when they were made. and i will say this everone of them are toxic and do not cure anything in fact they make things worse because they mask the underling problem so over time that problem gets worse and then you start to have new problems that arise and tey give you more meds its a terrible thing and these meds are full of toxic materials that after time goes by you begin to age faster your health worsens. i taught myself this over the 6 y rs my mom has been fighting alzhimers and looking for a cure well they say there isnt one but the fact that this disease has become close to the number one killer in the usa tells me there is something going on that we are not being told also during these past 6 yrs i was looking for cancer cures for my step dads prostate cancer. back to mom after i got her off all her meds except the blood pressure meds she said she hasnt felt that good in a long time and 2 weeks after being drug free her memory came back 100% for about two weeks to have her fall back to were she was at yr 1/2 later she tells me she started taking her statins drugs and thats what put her back into the memory problem but was never able to get her back. but i kept looking to find empty promises at every sight i read on and finaly i went back to the 1800s and started to study our food habits and also what we did for illnesses back then and fallowed this path all the way to the present and let me just put this in short our food is all toxic there is aluminum in all flour and to much to list. all your cosmedics,deoderants, cleaning products, our water,its all toxic. manisuble water is very toxic because of the way it is cleaned, to add matters worse when you take a hot shower or a bath the steam you inhale is very toxic and over the yrs all this toxic stuff going into your body it starts to build up. god created a very bullet proof body that is capible of healing its self the problem is we have begone to put more toxins in our body than our body can get out , given the right conditions your body can and is made to heal its self these so called diseases we have arent diseases and the reason our doctors can not find the cures is because they are defincies in our diet. our food is drownded with roundup a cancer causeing chemical pesticides, fertalizers which cause autisim alzhimers, there is 100s of pages of research on the effects that these chemicals cause. the government is payed off to keep this from us its all about money and the human lives that are killed is at a all time high and these pore kids dont atand a chance to survive . which is a hole other topic . these chemicals cause dna to change so when you are a fetus they change your dna makeup and this causes so many problems just look up open your eyes and check on whats going on with these kids. most important is vaccines as if these kids dont have enough problems these vaccines are full of lead, aluminum, mercury, and so so much more and they are giving them at a dose that is killing these kids!!!! i could go on for days talking about all this stuff that causes alztimers not one by itself will cause it but when you find out how many things do its amazing that our bodies live as long as they do things like influmation anywere in the body causes the brain to put off a chimical in the partof your brain that kills brain cell to much to explain things like gum disease. root channals cause bacteria to multiply by giving them a huge place to breed and they cause inflamation , gum disease same thing , athlets foot ,same are you starting to see a problem that over time takes a toll on our bodies . my suggestion is please believe what im saying i havent proven this but all the studing in what causes these problems is right in front of us so grow our own meat veggies fruits stay away from any meds they just intoxify
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in closing i will say that if you stop putting these toxic things in your body and in your body our body will slowly heal itself how could it not its designed to you give your body the right conditions it will heal from stage 5 cancer iv read to many cases like this and alzhimers in this case if what im telling you is true latest research has found out that our brain makes new brain cells so ask your self is alzhimers cureable i believe so and to prove to my self ive been on the right track my step dad grew his meat and veggies fruits and ate out very seldom he smoked most of his younger life never to have any lung problems and very rarely got sick at 94 yrs old took no meds my mom on the other hand was a medical transscriber all her life and had a pill for everything a shot same thing and ate pretty much the western diet we all eat and so you make your own judgment here im not here to sell you anything if you think about it it makes more sense the way i explain it and god bless your mom i wish i could go viral with this it would save millions of lives change the entire medical field and insurance practices because they would all go broke and have to come back down to reality with the charging us . theres a reason doctors dont know this and the ones that do either get out of the medical feild or just keep reping the profits by killing us slowly. the medical field was made in the late 1890s to profit from our sickness and the greed from which it started it became more profitable if they made us sick from the meds and then to the point that human life dosent come before money sad but true story good luck . one more thing if your car needed to go to a shop to get worked on would you take it to one that after everyone thats had work done there always had to go back and the car became so riddled with problems an never ran right since the day it was first taken there would you take your car there to have it worked on ??? god comuinicates threw the front part of our brain he wouldnt let old age interfer with this as a natural part of aging right ?? to cure something point being allergies to get rid of them they inject you with what your allergect to this builds up immune toxicity you need to stop putting in your body i hope this info even reaches so you can read it god bless you all
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What does your reply have to do with the stimulus check? Replying to the wrong post?
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I googled the quote joann gave and it went to this article.
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