
One of many examples is that few days ago we took my mom to see a nutritionist because she lost a lot weight, she eats little and we wanted to make sure nothing was to worry. My mom as usual moody, crying in the dark and upset the next days..
Her reactions made our lives sad ,worried and mentally overwhelmed as her daughters. I personally started trying to figure out how to take her for other possible doctors appointments that might be necessary...

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Sounds like you are in a very tight-knit family. This can be loving & supportive. Or... a bit .. smothering?
Is everyone living everyone else's lives all at once. Both parents living with adult children at such young ages too. Is there any time to live your own life?

I have to ask: can Mother not initiate taking herself to her Doctor to discuss her physical & mental health? If not, why not?
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Maybe the “specialist” Mom needs is a geriatric psychiatrist to help HER figure out why she’s willing to waste her life being depressed and upset. Yes, except for extraordinary situations, Mom is MUCH TOO YOUNG to be so dependent upon loved ones.

Find her a competent local geriatric specialist.
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It’s a bit hard to understand this – you’re in Los Angeles, but “I am one of three daughters that lives abroad. My sisters lives each of them with my mom and dad in separate houses”. Could you explain a bit more?

I have a difficult sister with a habit of getting very angry with other people (last time she hit me hard on the head). Then she says ‘I over-reacted’ as her idea of an apology. She seems to think it excuses anything. I think it’s a control mechanism. 'I can do what I like, people will just have to accept that I over-react sometimes'.

At 66, unless she has a mental illness, your mother should have more self-control, and should not be doing things to make you feel bad. What do you think she really wants – to move in with one of you?
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Your mother is 66 years old and lives with your sister in California.
Your father is 68 years old and lives with your other sister.
You live outside the USA.

Your mother has lost a great deal of weight and eats very little. She is tearful and emotional without any obvious cause.

And you took her to a nutritionist???

Does she have a primary care physician?
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MargaretMcKen Dec 2020
Are you Clairvoyant, or how did you work out these complicated age and residence details? Margaret
See 1 more reply
Your parents are relatively young to require care by others, unless there is more information you have not yet shared. I'm concerned about the weight loss issue with your could be a symptom of many things so she should really see an internist to make sure it is not a serious illness, like cancer. I had a relative about the same age who had lost a dramatic amount of weight and was acting confused and having memory issues. It seems to have been her thyroid. Is your mother taking any prescription medicines? If so your sisters should make sure she is taking them as prescribed. If she is taking prescribed medicine and loses weight she may be taking too much for her body weight and this would cause problems too. Please suggest to your sisters to take your mom to see a medical doctor.
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Can you clarify the information for us? Thanks.

Sorry things are so difficult for you.
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