Her new neighbor, who is a retired doctor, said that she has full blown dementia. She went to go to her mailbox but forgot to take her house key with her. He has never seen her neuro psych eval results. And he just met her. She gets confused at times and we are planning on moving her to assisted living pretty soon. She just lacks socialization.
Best of luck!
Someone who has been diagnosed with even "mild" dementia should probably not be living unsupervised. Does she live alone?
I forget my house keys about every two to three years. Have done since I first owned any. I'm on two strikes with my current neighbours, who very kindly keep a spare set for me, and am getting quite neurotic about not making it three.
Neighbour doctor may not be completely wrong, but he'd have to define "full blown" and show his reasoning. He may, too, have been speaking for effect, of course, anxious to alert this nice lady's family to the urgency of the situation. I wouldn't ignore reports from him if I were you, though, all the same.
It certainly wouldn't hurt to take her in to her own physician for a check up though.