
My mom has Alzheimer ------ she is forgetting things and I am being told to let my brother take charge of the $$$ and get a power of attorney to handle affairs --- but she is still very able (President Reagan had severe Alzheimer's, but, though I, as a Democrat, disagree with him, look what he did ------ run the free world and caused the breakup of one of the world's greatest threats to freedom, the USSR)!!!!!!!!!!

She has always been incredibly independent and there has always been a very strained family relationship. The brother is threatening to go to court to get a custodial relationship and she is threatening to go to court to stop him. Also, my dad recently passed away, adding tom the strain. He always favored dad (he told him to "take care" of her (and me). I always favored my mom. Also, many years ago, there was marital infidelity from the dad, adding to the continued mistrust. I have always fought to keep the family together as well as for myn Mom. What do I do?

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Who is telling you to let your brother take charge of the finances and obtain a POA?

If your mom is in the early stages of Alzheimer's someone should take over the finances and be appointed POA.
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I think he should pursue the Guardian petition and let the court evaluator decide whether or not mom is still capable of handling things. Sometimes it is better to have an impartial opinion and an impartial conservator.
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