
My adult children insist they are fully vaccinated but I know that they don’t know if all the people they associate with are vaccinated. My daughter is angry with me and very hurt. I am recovering from breast cancer surgery and I recently had a stroke. My husband takes very good care of me. I just want to be fully healed and my husband and I are fully vaccinated too. I’m truly afraid because I will be 81 soon and really am concerned about my health. We don’t allow anyone to come into the house.

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Stand your ground.
There are scientific reasons why recovering cancer patients have their immunity compromised and should avoid contact with most people.
Have your doctor explain it to her.

You are not awful for not wanting visitors. You are being wise, and careful.

Please do not tell your daughter it is because you do not trust the people she
hangs out with. That would be TMI, and hurtful to her. (TMI = too much information).
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Are they willing to wear masks, wash their hands on the way in, and stay 5 feet away? If they are, perhaps it’s worth taking the risk. It’s fairly clear that short exposure (best 15 minutes) and the rest of the precautions are pretty good at minimising risks. If your daughter won’t agree to this, then sure, stand your ground. She will be much more upset if she gives you Covid and you die.
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If they are fully vaccinated they should welcome the opportunity to show you their vaccination cards.
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Yes it is awful to continue living in fear like this. The vaccine does not stop the spread or contraction of covid.

Thus the reason people who are vaccinated are still so afraid of getting covid.

Makes you wonder what the hell the point of being vaccinated and boosted if you are still so afraid of this virus.

Obviously no one who is vaccinated believes they are actually proteced against the virus since they display such paranoia regarding the fear of getting covid.

Your chances of dying from cancer or another stroke are far greater than dying from covid. And dying from cancer or deteriorating from another stroke that that doesn't kill you but incapacitates you in worse ways than you probably can imagine is far worse than dying from covid or the flu.
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The reality is that it doesn't matter who you hang out with, covid is everywhere among both the vaccinated and unvaccinated. That said your health is precarious right now and it's wise to take precautions from coming into contact with any illness be it covid, influenza, RSV or anything else circulating in your community and if your daughter is one of those people who continues leading her normal life despite feeling under the weather then she can't be trusted to protect you. If, however, she is generally willing to be cautious for your sake then I wouldn't ban her based on her friends attitudes.
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Have you spoken with your doctors about your fears of covid exposure? Maybe a conversation with him/her can alleviate some of your anxiety about exposure.

In the meantime, what about video calls with your children? I'm sure with your medical issues they would like to "lay eyes" on you, so to speak.

I can understand your fears, and I would never tell you that they are unjustified; nor will I try to downplay the seriousness of covid. But unless you are never leaving your house (since you say you don't allow anyone in) you have likely already been "exposed" to someone who has covid - in the store, in a house of worship, in your doctor's office, etc. If you're not comfortable, then that's that, but a chat with your doctor might help. And if your doctor agrees with you about not risking exposure, then you can let go of some of the guilt you're feeling, knowing you're following your doctor's advice.

Also, why do you think your children are lying to you about their vaccination status? Have they done so in the past? That might be the reason your daughter is angry and hurt; not the fact that you're afraid of exposure, but the inference (or perhaps outright saying) that she is lying to you about being fully vaccinated.
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Howdydoody, welcome to the forum. You are right to be concerned about covid. Even if we are totally boosted, we can still get covid but chances are low that covid would send us to the hospital. Make sure you and your hubby get your flu shots, too.

When we leave the house, we always mask up when going into a store. We have noticed many non-seniors are without masks now a days, and I can understand their tiredness of wearing them. I know I am tired of my glasses fogging up.

Tomorrow hubby's grown son and son's wife will be visiting, and I also have concerns as I don't think they even had gotten their booster shots. They don't stay with us, we always book a room at a nearby Hampton Inn. Less work for us to get the house ready for guests. We like to do carry-out and eat at home, which they don't mind.

As for who your grown children hang out with, think of it this way.... wouldn't your grown children have already gotten covid over the past two years if that was the case?
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I am fully covid and flu vaccinated, and boosted and still got covid, still got RSV, still got the flu! I still see my daughter, my grandkids, my friends. I still work, I got to the store, I go to church. I hug, handshake, fist bump, air hug and wave. You will never get from being around it. Mask up, sanitize, and wash frequently but see you children, see your grands do not become a hermit. Your kids want to see you and they love you but there is nothing like being with your parent! When covid first started I had three months without my Daddy and I regret that soooo much. Sometimes I cry because those three months I will never get back they are lost! And now he's gone! Like some of the answers already -- you will not escape covid.
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You're not wrong to be strict about visitors with your health conditions. It's understandable for you to want to avoid visitors until after you've fully recovered from your surgery.
Even though you let no one into your house, you're still at risk. Does your husband go out? Does he do the grocery shopping, or go to the bank, or the pharmacy, or anywhere?
If he does then he's being exposed to people who may not be vaccinated which makes you exposed to them as well.
Your adult children can still visit you if they are vaccinated. Insist that everyone wear masks in your house and social distance.
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What's the difference who's 'vaccinated' or not vaccinated????? In reality, vaccination does not prevent the spread of Covid-19, nor are the 'non vaccinated' lepers as the main-stream media would like us to believe. Think about it. Since WHEN do unvaccinated people HARM vaccinated people?

Vaccinated people are supposed to be PROTECTED from disease! Yet here we are, insisting 'unvaccinated' folks are somehow HARMING those of us who have 'vaccinated' status. It makes NO SENSE at all, if you think about it instead of listening to the talking heads spouting hateful nonsense at you, trying to cause division between loved ones due to 'vaccination status'.

Everyone is vulnerable to this virus, vaccinated or non vaccinated. And, we've all been exposed to it by now, after over TWO YEARS TIME and the fact it's here to stay with us forever.

Everyone can catch this virus, vaccinated or non vaccinated.

My DH had a liver transplant in April and is immuno-SUPPRESSED. Not immuno compromised, but SUPPRESSED. Purposely has his immune system shut down so it's not working properly in order to prevent the new liver from rejecting. And he's not hiding out in fear of catching Covid, as agreed with by the Mayo Clinic. Furthermore, his daughter and granddaughter are not 'vaccinated' and we do not care b/c in reality, they do not pose a 'threat' to US in any way b/c we are 'vaccinated' (a fat lot of good it's done us, in truth). So they are coming here to our home (as we have been to theirs) for Christmas. We also go out all the time, to dinner, to estate sales where other people are, ALL THE TIME.

You should do whatever you feel is right. The point of my comment to you is to get you to THINK with your OWN brain and not use the group-think that the main stream media is demanding you use with regard to this 'vaccination' matter. B/c it makes NO SENSE.

Everyone is 'concerned about their health'. By the same token, to alienate our own family members due to their 'vaccination status' or worse yet, to the potential vaccination status of their FRIENDS, is quite ludicrous. It's okay to try to stay safe. It's another to be SO paranoid that we stop living entirely, b/c that's causing ourselves 'death' while we're still alive.
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Daughterof1930 Dec 2022
Ever read the famed Dr. Seuss book “The Sneetches” They have arrived, or more accurately have always been here, and they are us
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