My parents need microwaveable meals delivered. We tried one place, but they didn’t like the meals. Any suggestions for other places would be helpful. They are not loving the Wegmans prepared meals either and my siblings and I cannot always make them dinner.
great ideas offered already with restaurant take out, etc. I can suggest that the Foodsaver machine ( sucks air out of the plastic bag) will keep food fresher longer in fridge- months. If you can order many things and then "shrink wrap" them in food saver, then you don't have to order so often. Probably able to even shrink wrap it along with the microwavable plate if they cant put food on their own plates new. Just cut the plastic on a side and the air opens it and food comes out easily.
I'd also suggest meal subscription plans, like Freshly. I orderly Freshly for 6 weeks for my husband when I was away once and he really liked it. The meals come fully prepared and all you have to do is microwave them. They provide a wide choices of meals.
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