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Evict everyone but your spouse. Stop running a freeloader hotel at your house.
Helpful Answer (8)

What Burnt said.

You are working 2 jobs to support able-bodied adults....while they are laughing all the way to the bank, behind your back? You let these losers use your car?
Why do I have the feeling they don't put gas in it?

Here's an idea that may wake you up:
Get a sheet of paper, make 2 columns. In one column, write down what you've done for these people. In the other column, write down what they have done for YOU.
Helpful Answer (5)

You need to just take a deep breath and explain to her it is affecting your mental health. How w this ld are you and your wife?
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Do not take in anymore relatives , including the ill one in the hospital. She will have to be placed in a facility . And why on earth would the sister in law who just lost her daughter need to move in with you ?

Again do not take in anymore relatives . Those that are currently in your home get a 30 day notice to get out . If your wife has a problem with this try marriage counseling to have your wife see this is not fair to you . Your wife should explore with a therapist why she feels the need to take in these people .

You need to take care of you . You should speak to a therapist individually as well . If these people do not leave or your wife does not see it your way, then quietly go to a divorce lawyer to see the best steps to be free of this . It is effecting your mental health .
Helpful Answer (4)

Time grow yourself a new set of b*lls, just put your foot down and say NO, no more.

Being Christian doesn't mean you have to condescend to others and be taken advantage of.

You are being used....big time. Stop this nonsense. It is up to you, life is too short to be miserable!

The B*ll is in your court, handle this before it gets even worse....and it will....since they all know that you are weak and very codependent.
Helpful Answer (6)
lealonnie1 Apr 15, 2024
I'm Christian too and there's no way in hell any freeloaders are moving in with me! I hate when the "Christian" wording is used, as if we're supposed to be doormats for everyone and their brother in law!! And if we're not, we'll be smote down or relegated to the fiery depths or something 🙄.. The word NO is not a sin, folks!!
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How to say "no"?

How about "y'all need to move out in 2 weeks".
Helpful Answer (7)
ElizabethAR37 Apr 14, 2024
I'd probably give them 20-30 days since that's fairly standard for rentals.
This sounds like a totally untenable situation! I'd (generously) give "everyone" 30 days to find their own lodgings. YOUR house should be yours to live in as YOU wish. You do not owe anyone except minor children free room and board in your home. Other arrangements should be at your option.
Helpful Answer (3)

Just say it.

Keep saying it.

Don't give people any reasons for the "no" or they will negotiate and try to break down your boundary. You must defend it.

Just "No, I don't want anyone in my house anymore for any reason. Period. Get out in 30 days or get evicted."

Don't worry about how they'll react, what they'll think of you or where there will live after they leave. Don't accept any stalling or excuses or pity story.

Just no.
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No need to make up excuses or reasons. It’s your home. “You will will to move out by next month. I’m willing to help you pack”
Helpful Answer (3)

Dont be a doormat - create a boundary and tell people it is time to leave I want my House back and My space .
Helpful Answer (5)

You say "NO! You are not living in my house. Sorry, but NO. Not up for argument or discussion. The answer is NO".
End of sentence.
Helpful Answer (5)

I think the problem here is that although you keep saying no your wife keeps saying yes. If this is destroying your life to the point you are contemplating ending it then I suggest that ending your marriage is a better option. Your dream house is in reality your prison but ultimately you hold the keys - walk away and find a new life for yourself.
Helpful Answer (8)

I would love to know where all the information is coming from, I can;t find anything on the profile? Or in the post? The question just has an "H" in it?
Helpful Answer (2)
waytomisery Apr 14, 2024
It was there before Pam . He must have deleted .
Mark ,
your story is deleted but you mentioned being depressed having suicidal thoughts at times and wanting to run from this situation. The suicide hotline is 988.
Please seek a therapist for help . You also could go stay in an extended stay hotel for 30 days until they get out . Also seek advice from a divorce lawyer .
We recently had a young married man feeling similarly trapped in his home with his mother in law and his wife had promised to take care of her mother . He was in therapy and was able to make a decision about his situation . You do have choices .
Good Luck .
Helpful Answer (2)


Practice these words, over and over again until you memorize it!

Best of luck to you!
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Don’t let any more move in, for one thing. You’re not running a short-term flophouse. It’s your home. Act like it!
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NO and NO
But sadly I think you need to start with your wife if I get your story correctly.
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The rest of the post was deleted before I got here, but if it is your home it is okay to say no. I get it can be hard especially when you want to be kind but if it is effecting your mental health, then you also need to be firm. Mental health can unravel quickly and you do deserve some privacy. I don't know your whole story, but if anyone is involved in drugs I would especially be leery of letting them stay at your place. As for ill loved ones, the merry-go-round won't end until they find some help. For your sake, I would not let anyone else move in.
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