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My Parkinson's restlessness is helped by Mirapex. If that's not enough, I take 15 ml of CBD. My son also uses it successfully for RLS.
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First of all if the person has REM sleep disorder (where they act out their dreams) it may be unsafe to be in the same bed. Often Parkinsons folks will resort to sleeping in a recliner because of bed mobility problems- very bad long term for someone's back and that invites nasty bed sores. If lack of rest is due to helping the person with getting in/out of bed (or rolling over) I can offer suggestions to help. Over 60% of PD folks will have "nocturia" where they feel the urge to urinate many times a night- terrible for them as well as the caregiver spouse.

For many of our caregiver callers the goal is to remain sleeping with their spouse but they are ready to crash because they are helping their spouse all night long- no one can do that forever. The trick is to allow the person to "help themselves" to the best of their abilities which saves the caregiver's health. If a person has the proper assistive equipment to independently roll over (and use a bedside commode) the spouse can finally get proper rest again.
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LexiPexi Jan 2019
Thank you for writing 'over 60% of PD folks will have 'nocturia' where they feel the urge to urinate many times a night.' Yes - it is terrible. Every two hours - he is up. We have a urinal beside the bed, but he is so unsteady (bad balance) he falls and drops the urinal - so I have to get up each time with him. I'm so exhausted, I put an alarm pad on the bed (even though we sleep in the same bed) - so I always hear him. He has been to the urologist numerous times. (Finally, no more UTI's.) But can't seem to stop the getting up every two hours. Oddly, he can go four +/- hours during the day. I limit water in-take after 6:00 p.m., and no caffeine. Any ideas / suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you.
Sometimes I nap during the day but I prefer to stay in the same room if possible in case my husband needs help. We're working it out as he gets worse. He is now tending to fall out of bed so we're getting a guard at the side that is held under the mattress. He also laughs or yells in his sleep and that can be disconcerting even if I'm not in the same room!
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I bought a low, light, moveable, folding cot that I kept with sheets and blankets on in the corner of another room. It became my nightly resting place and I finally got a decent night's sleep.
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janeinspain Dec 2018
This is a great solution. I like the XL version of a camping cot - that little extra width means your arms aren’t hitting the rails. With a small pillow under my knees I am actually more comfortable sleeping on a cot than in a regular bed! Slumberjack is a good brand. Sweet dreams!
You have to learn to catnap whenever they are asleep.

I purchased a Sleepchair and I used it for better than a year because my DH was now living in the livingroom.
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My sofa is comfortable on it's own, but sometimes the built in recliners on the ends are even better when my asthma flares.
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My husband has been having pain and can't sleep on his sides. He likes his back but usually snores. Last night he slept in the recliner in the LR. Best night sleep I have had in ages. I slept 10hrs.

I suggest buying a sofa bed. An alternative would be a chair bed. They are the size of a twin bed. You fold it up when not using.
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It’s interesting historically. In the early 20th century, many married low-income couples (like my in-laws) had single beds, which was a step up from the poor who slept many people to a bed. There is a lot of sense in it, particularly as we get older and sleep more fitfully.

I sometimes have pain in the night and can be restless. DH and I often sleep somewhere with only one bed, but I have a foam mattress on the floor that slips under a couch during the day. It’s high quality, like the long distance truckies use in their truck cabins, and is actually more comfortable than our normal inner-spring. It’s certainly easier than a couch with a sloping seat and separate cushions. DH and I are both light sleepers, and we both use good foam ear plugs to help with noise. Otherwise we each wake up when the other one rolls over! It's worth investing in furniture that makes a difficult situation easier to cope with.
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I spent over a year sleeping on my mother's living room couch, I know that my grandmother did the same for many years when she could no longer sleep with gramps. If it is just restlessness I know that my aunt and uncle had twin beds in their bedroom.
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