
My grandmother, age 77, has a history of mild Alzheimer's disease and just recently had a second stroke. After the second stroke she is, as of right now, completely bed bound. She can not sit up, stand, walk, roll, position etc her self. She is also incontinent and uses a diaper. She suffers from depression and I believe she has other mental health issues (manipulative, pretends to be a sweet, kind person around strangers and friends but is mean as a rattlesnake around family and always has been). Every time we try to do anything with her like cleaning, repositioning, changing the bed, etc. she screams that we are hurting her and that we should just put her in a nursing home which, honestly is where she needs to be. I, her grandson, work 50 hours a week, often not getting off of work until 1-2 AM, then have an hour long ride home and have to be up and over to her house to take care of her around 8AM for at least an hour to get her cleaned, changed and dressed. I do not want to, and, do not think her grandson should have to clean her and change her diaper. I never volunteered to do this or wanted to do this, it was just expected because they "can't afford" to hire someone to do it and allegedly her insurance won't cover having someone to come out to bathe and clean her. To be completely honest, I am very bitter because it has always been blatantly clear that my sister was my grandparents favorite as she got away with murder and got anything she ever wanted from them, yet I am the one who is having to take care of her, not my sister. How do I explain to the family that I do not want to do this anymore and that they need to find someone else to care for her, or, they need to arrange for her to go to a nursing home?

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Fed, I think some good old-fashioned talking is the way for you.

In your best authoritive no nonsense unemotional way.

"will forever be thrown in my face that because of me she had to go to a nursing home".

Just CORRECT them;

'That is not correct.
Grandma had to go to a nursing home because she got OLD & her needs were higher than could be managed at home'.

"had I refused or when I tell them I can no longer do this, it will always be thrown in my face". So?
1. You are allowed to say no.
2. You are not responsible for others reactions to your no.
3. Others can pushback, get angry, behave badly, throw a tantrum as they choose.
4. Their behaviour is theirs.
5. You can still say no.

I know you felt pushed.. but ultimately you keep showing up. They pushed harder than you pushed your No is all. Because you wanted to help them & that was OK.

But if you need to quit, tell your Grandparents. Tell them it's time to make other arrangements. You gave them a gift of care - but the needs are getting too big now.

"I am expected to show up and help".

The way to change their expectations is by
1. Telling them what you will & won't do
2. Ensure you carry that out

If you say no, but then act yes nothing will change.

People will never take up new/different/strangers to care for them when a child or grandchild keeps turning up.
Would you?

My last advice is this:
Don't wait to be saved from this situation.
YOU must build the steps out.
You can do it!
Helpful Answer (9)

My question is what is everyone else doing? Is everyone in the family taking on an hour a day to help out or is it just you and your grandfather?

Do you rely on your family for anything like housing? Is your family a part of your day-to-day life? I ask because if you lived on your own it would be very easy to tell them you are ill and cannot come over for the next week requiring them to move to plan B. Or that you had to take on extra hours at work so are unavailable for the foreseeable future.
Helpful Answer (6)

Fedup, my mil tried the “I’m gonna need you” line with SO.

Dil, his brothers wife, couldn’t take their wheelchairs over stairs, so they’d make him do it and then accompany his parents.

He built a ramp.

Then brothers wife said she couldn’t transfer mil to the car. They wanted him to lift her in and out of moms car..

He had job interviews. I sent them a listing for the best concierge transport I could find. They ended up using it and liking it. The family did not hate him.

Tell them that your work schedule has changed so you can’t come.
Helpful Answer (5)

I'm going to challenge you first.. stay with me..

"I never volunteered to do this"

OK. Explain.

Did you say No?
Did you not show up?

Or did you show up & do the job? Coz that would look like volunteering..

But, you CAN quit at any time. (Giving notice so not endangering others by neglect of course).

You need to give yourself permission first.
Helpful Answer (4)
FedRightOnUp Sep 2022
Beatty, I was told they needed me to help take care of her. I was not really given a choice. And, with my wonderful dysfunctional family had I refused or when I tell them I can no longer do this, it will always be thrown in my face that I put her in a nursing home because I am or was too selfish to help take care of her. I don't consider it volunteering when you are told "I need you to do..." I initially didn't refuse because it was presented that it would be a quick 15-20 minutes in the morning, no big deal. It is rapidly turning into a hour or longer in the morning and any time she needs to be changed throughout the day I am expected to show up and help.
Your gma NEEDS NH level care.

Your "wonderful dysfunctional family" will forever pin that on you.

So what?

You know that's not true, yes?

You are getting gma what she needs.
Helpful Answer (4)

It is not your responsibility, if one of her children want to do it fine or they place her in a home.

Here is how I would explain it to them:

"I am young, I have a life, it is not my responsibility to care for my grandmother, if it is anyone's, it is one of her children's, I am giving my 2 weeks notice, that will give you time to find a replacement for me."
Helpful Answer (4)

My response doesn't offer a solution, other than you shouldn't be doing this and need to tell them. Too many people forget that 'No.' is a complete sentence.

Your situation, and mine, having my mom who is also manipulative, stay with me, is why I have very recently told my adult children that I don't want them changing my diapers. My mom isn't to that point, but when she is, I will realize my inability. At that point, a person requires nursing care, or constant care by someone who can provide it. That is NOT you. Have you been a nurse aide? Having my child or grandchild, ESPECIALLY one of the the opposite sex, change and attempt to properly clean the perineal area is so unappealing a thought that I would rather be in a nursing home, EXACTLY as your grandparent has expressed an interest in. I worked VERY briefly in a nursing home, I did bathe residents as well as change their disposable underwear. (slightly graphic content follows) It takes special care to clean the folds of a woman's perineal area, I doubt very much if your grand is getting this care, especially since there are 'professionals' who don't do it. I remember one woman who had so much old powder packed into hers that I got my RN instructor. The RN told me that's a sign of neglect. In a home situation, I'd call it a sign of lack of knowledge.

You aren't trained to take care of an elderly person, let alone one with mental issues. You could actually cause unintentional harm. For her health and well being, you should walk away, and I say a 3 day notice should suffice.
Helpful Answer (4)
Cover999 Sep 2022
The "lips" would need to be attended to when cleaning the area.

There that's not so bad :}
With that kind of problem how does she not qualify for some kind of care/help from the insurance she has. Medicare or medicaid should be able to help you. If you are being TOLD this then someone has not checked her availability.
Call whoever is in charge - POA - tell them you are not able to come and someone else needs to help Grandma today. Stick to your guns.
Helpful Answer (3)

It’s clear that you value your family, even though they are unfair and dysfunctional. So you need an excuse. Here’s a few:
- Your job hours have changed, you now start at 8am. Sorry, I can’t do this.
- You have got the sack, have had to get a different job, the travel is longer. Sorry, I can’t do this.
- You are taking a month's holiday in Alaska. Let's talk about it when I get back.
- I’m moving interstate for a year. Sorry…
- I’m ill, heart problems, the doctor has said no lifting, bending etc. So sorry ….
- She screams that I am hurting her, I’ve seen a lawyer who said that I am at risk for being reported for abuse. Sorry, not safe for her or for me.

And remember, there’s always NO. YOU organise the nursing home and throw her in it!
Helpful Answer (3)

In addition to what I wrote before, think about this: you are cleaning your grandma’s most intimate areas. She is mentally unsound, screams that you’re hurting her, and, as you have mentioned, she
is mean. What if she yells rape? In her mental condition she might actually believe she IS being raped. My mother was afraid of her toothbrush because she no longer knew what it was. What if you’re cleaning grandma and she doesn’t understand you’re helping her? There is no way to predict what someone with dementia might do. Sorry to raise this unpleasant topic, but you need to get out of there NOW. I’m concerned about you.
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