
Mom takes Tramadol (Ultram). She is 91. She has no more cartilage in her right knee. She has osteoarthritis. She suffered a fall in her bathroom and was transported to hospital. She had CAT scan, executive panel blood work, X-ray and ultra sound,(she has a pacemaker so no MRI).

Hospital suspects TIA. I believe it might be her second based on a previous episode. She has not seen her Internist in a year because she was unable to sit for the long waiting period prior to seeing her physician. And, she doesn't want to be 'messed with'.

She uses a rollator to move from her bed to toilet, it is a very long and arduous process and is incredibly painful for her especially after her fall.

Her doctor refuses to refill her Rx without seeing her even though his office has access to her hospital records from one month ago. It makes me wonder how bedridden patients that are being cared for in their own homes get their meds?

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HomeHealthCare can arrange for a home visit by a doctor/nurse practitioner and they can prescribe or call the doctor for refills.

Requesting to see the person before refilling is actually a good practice. How many people do you know who have "handicap placques" for their vehicles that have been handed down from deceased relatives?

No patient - really should be no refills. Call HomeHealth and arrange for her to be seen and evaluated.
Helpful Answer (6)

When mthr graduated from hospice because she was doing so much better, I realized I was not willing to do everything it would take to get her out and about to the doctor office. And what abut flu season, where 95% of the waiting room is contagious? That would probably kill her right there!

I immediately (after asking here) looked on the internet for visiting medical doctor services. I found one in my state, and it turns out that if the person is mobility impaired, there is no extra housecall fee. That applies if the person is not able to leave their home without help. So your loved one is eligible.

The service sends out NP's but they are overseen by a doctor. The services are very basic for med checks, bp and pulse, but it complies with regulations. Mthr gets her meds and we are all happy. She can go back to her regular doc, but she likes the convenience of a mobile xray unit and the phlebotamist taking her blood in her easy chair!
Helpful Answer (5)

It sounds like she may be a candidate for hospice in which case they would come to her for visits and supply all the meds she needs.
If you can't get her on hospice you could apply for I did not find out about this service until recently and it has been such a good thing for getting my wheelchair bound mom out of her memory care facility. Mom never has to get out of her wheelchair and companions ride free. Cost is only $3.50/ride each way which is so much cheaper than using private wheelchair transport services. Not sure what all areas of the country they service. Can do the application process online and it just needs a doctor to fill in the form which confirms your mom is not able to ambulate independently and would not be able to ride a city bus independently. Persons with cognitive impairments also qualify since they could not ride a bus independently.
Hope this works out for you.
Helpful Answer (5)

Because of Medical Malpractice Laws, physicians are bound to see each patient at least once every 12 months. That’s
true for everyone, elderly and disabled or young and healthy. It doesn’t matter what medications they’re on. For those medications to be refilled, doc has to see their patient.

My husband is on a whole slew of meds as well. And, he is also bedridden. When hubby was in the hospital and rehab, he did not see his regular PCP but the doctor on-staff at the rehab. When that doctor changed his meds, there were no refills on those prescriptions. Technically, when hubby left the rehab/hospital, he was no longer under this doctor’s care.

The discharge planner told us to see his regular doctor within a month after discharge. His doctor did have all the records from his hospital and rehab stay prescribed by those doctors and refilled the prescriptions. But, we did have to make the trip to the office.

We are lucky in that that we have Community Paratransit, a wheelchair accessible van comes right to our door. It’s not free, but it’s cheaper than Medical transport. We have a lift and a power chair and it’s a monumental struggle but somehow, it gets done.

If you absolutely cannot get her get her out of the house, many large hospital systems have a group of doctors who make home visits. I’ve considered this because of the work involved getting my husband out. Check the hospitals websites in your area or call their social services departments for information.
Helpful Answer (4)
Ruffles63 Jul 2018
Thank you, Ahmijoy!

I will have to check on the Paratransit situation here in Columbia, SC.
Inside Mom's home is 'disabled-proof' but there are stairs that must be navigated from the outside. Mom's 5'9 and 200lbs so not the easiest person to manuver. I will definitely check on the transport.
See if you can find a geriatric primary. I think they are more willing to work with seniors than folks who treat all ages. Ask about hospice or palliative care. Has she seen an orthopedic surgeon?
My mom wasn’t a candidate for surgeries so her ortho ordered ongoing physical and occupational therapy to keep her muscles strong. The Home Health managed this care. Since your mom is home bound she is probably eligble for ongoing home health. An aide will also come to bath her. You need to consider a more “user friendly” doctor.
My aunt has HH, a geriatric dr and ongoing PT. It’s been over a year since she’s seen her geriatric although we are in communication as needed.
She does not take pain medication. Perhaps if she did she would have to go in. Not sure. She does take 5 prescriptions.
The type of Medication has rules attached. Also the doctor may have restrictions based on their own conduct.
Ask your pharmacist about the South Carolina laws for your mom’s drug.
Helpful Answer (4)

Good Morning Ruffles63

My Mother has recently became bedridden after being hospitalized.

She is on home hospice from the hospital since June. I am not sure how long she can stay on home hospice
My mother has Alzheimer’s disease and is in the end stages of the disease,
I had the same problem her doctor wanted her to come in to follow up and meds refills she is still bedridden and can’t go anywhere.

I had to change doctors, I was referred to a doctor who does home visits and also works wiith hospice and goes to nursing homes, daycares centers and has an office as well, he works with a group of doctors and referred me to a podiatrist for mom as well.

You may have to do the same.
Helpful Answer (4)

Dear Caregiver,

Inquire with Medicare or your current physician about assigning a visiting physician.

I Just signed my mother up. We've had one very encouraging visit thus far. Many home services are offered: dentist. physical therapy, lab technicians for bloodwork ect

Help is available -
Stay encouraged! ⚘🌹😊
Helpful Answer (4)

My Husband was on Hospice the Nurse came to us and ordered medications.
We also had the VA and the VA has a Home Based Primary Care so the Doctor came to him.

But if your Mom is Hospice eligible that is the best way to get the meds she needs.
The nurse will come to her, the medications will be delivered to your door. I suppose one of the down sides is the medications will be delivered in 1 week supplies not a 30, 60 or 90 day supply. But the nurse will come every week and the deliveries will come every week.

The word Hospice scares a lot of people. Many think that it is for the last days of life or at most 6 months. My Husband was on Hospice for 3 years. As long as there is a continued, documented decline a person will/can remain on Hospice. You will get supplies delivered to your door, equipment delivered, you will have a Nurse that will come every week, a CNA that will come a few times a week to help bathe her you will have a Social Worker, Chaplain as well as access to volunteers that will, if you want, come and sit with her while you run errands of your own or just so you can get out and relax and have time for YOU. there are also Art, music and other therapists that work with Hospice and you can use those services as well. All from the comfort of your own home and this is covered by Medicare so it will not cost you.
Helpful Answer (4)

Both my parents are bedridden. Their primary care physician put us in touch with a geriatric group that makes house calls. We live in Northern Virginia. A doctor or nurse practitioner comes to the house and prescribes meds. Please check with your doctor to see if such a service is in your area.
Helpful Answer (3)

I had a similar issue after my mom had a stroke.She couldn't walk very well,and her doctor didn't have a handicap ramp.Due to some grandfathered law he didn't have to.I asked if he wouldn't mind making a house call when need be,and he agreed.My mom was a long time patient of his, and it wasn't a huge inconvience since his office is near the house.He would come by at the end of his work day.Ask your mom's doctor if he wouldn't mind doing the same because of her mobility.I hope it all works out for your mom and you.
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