
Two years ago, my 85yr old mom's youngest daughter passed away from colon cancer. My sister had 1 daughter who is now 31yrs old. She moved in with my mom as soon as her mom died. My 2 brothers & I thought it would be fine for short term. We thought it would be good because my mom would have someone with her but we never asked her to be a caregiver. My niece ended up quitting her job after her mom died too. Since my niece moved in with my mom, my niece somehow convinced my mom that she no longer needs her 3 living adult kids in her life. So slowly my mom became distant with her 3 kids....Now after 2 years, my mom completely disowned her living kids...she doesn't talk to anyone. We can't even get any info from my niece about my mom and her health. My niece tells us its none of our business how my mom is doing...My niece told us that she is autistic...she has no family other than us and she has no friends. We are afraid when our mom dies we will never know... We all miss and love our mom and we used to be very close to her before our niece moved in. My mom isn't the same person since my niece moved there and our niece won't let anyone in my mom's house. Is there anything we can do...? We are afraid my niece is controlling our mom. Also, my niece has been abused by her own mom, most of her life and by my dad when he was alive. We feel my niece is using my mom too.. because she doesn't work... What can we do, if anything...please help us..We need some advice. We love our mom & truly care about her... Nothing that my mom is doing is normal behavior...Our niece blocked us from my mom's phone and from facebook too. Very strange behavior from our niece... We want to be able to see our mom and talk to her before she's gone...thank you

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Call Adult Protection Services and ask for a well check.
Helpful Answer (3)
PhotoMomma Oct 2021
Thank you, Joann...
Call Social Services. They should start an investigation into elder abuse. Even if your niece has a POA to handle your mother’s affairs, your niece is isolating your mother, which is abusive. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (1)
PhotoMomma Oct 2021
Thank you..I appreciate your advice.
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Are you saying there has been no change, that you still haven’t seen your mom since you wrote in 2020?
I would call the police and ask for a wellness check.
Helpful Answer (3)
PhotoMomma Oct 2021
Thats right...there hasnt been any change. My niece is really mean to us. She has screamed at my brother when he tried to get some of his things from my moms garage. He used to live with my mom many years ago and his name is on the deed of the house plus some of his belongings are still at the house but my mom & niece wont let him pick up his things.
Are you sure your Mom is still living there? What happens when you knock at the door?
Helpful Answer (2)
PhotoMomma Oct 2021
Yes, my mom still lives in her own house. I live in 2 brothers live close to my moms house in Texas. My mom wont let my brothers come over...since covid started. My one brother has his covid shot and he's willing to wear a mask but still he hasnt been allowed in the house. Both my mom & niece wont let him in. He has a key but he's afraid they changed the locks. So he wont go over there. If we try to ask my niece anything about my mom she writes us a nasty text message and tell us that its my moms business about her health and none of our business.
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