
Anyone have any idea how to get the urine smell out of Mom's clothes? She has trouble with controlling the bladder.

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I also found this tip on Google:

Tip: Removing Urine Smell from Clothes. To remove the smell of urine from clothes I washed them in a load with half a gallon of vinegar and then washed as normal.
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I've tried adding borax to my Tide detergent but would often have to re-wash. I found a new product called "Lysol Laundry Sanitizer" that gets the smell out the first try. It has no bleach so it is safe to use on colored fabrics. Also, the instructions on the bottle state that if you soak the fabrics for around 15 minutes, then it kills 99% of bacteria, which would be especially helpful when washing clothes soiled from bowel incontinence. You may also consider switching out her underwear to diaper/briefs. She may feel relieved to stop having accidents with her clothing.
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I really like a product called OdoBan for the removal of urine smell in clothes.
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I really like a product called OdoBan for the removal of urine smell in clothes. I spray it on while clothes are wet and pour some in wash.
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Out of necessity I used liquid Resolve Pet for carpet steamers as a my detergent. Half a cap full in the washer does the job and clothes smell wonderful.
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Borax. Use a scoop in each laundry load. Cheap to buy at the local Walmart. Look in the laundry detergent aisle
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There's a product called "Nature's Miracle" that is for urine and feces accidents of pets, but it works very well on such human waste as well as per the 'Queen of Clean.' The key is to saturate the affected area with this product first and foremost--do not launder or rinse out with water or any other products. Let the enzyme action in the product do its work by letting the item sit for 5-10 minutes. Then launder as usual. (For tough stains, like feces, you may need to repeat these steps and then wash the item.) You'll find the product in all pet stores and in some health food stores like Whole Foods and Wild by Nature.
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