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Don't know what it means, but when Mom's eyes are like that, she is having one of her spells. She doesn't remember is worse than normal. I fully expect to see that look when it gets to where she doesn't remember me...
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When my mom had that look it would not be a good day. She would be frightened and anxious, saying get all these people out of here, want to go to bed by noon. If I was unable to distract her by holding her hand, talking, reading a book, I usually had no alternative but to give her half a seroquel which would knock her out for an hour or longer then she would wake up and be fine. It was almost as if she would just stair right through you. Talk to your doctor about this and see what he suggests.
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I notice that when my dad was having a bad day, he had that far-away look and sometimes his eyes looked pitch black. I am only guessing it has to do with the dementia and maybe the fear that they feel comes thru their eyes. Only God knows for sure, but when having a good day.....they are not like that.
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My mom has times like that also. She had complications after brain surgery which has brought on dementia, but also these really confused times. Dr. doesn't seem to know what brings it on or what to do about it. All I know is that she usually doesn't remember what happened while she is like that, and it does pass like you said and other days are more "normal." Part of the challenge of caring for a person like this is that you never know when this will happen or how long it will last (a few hours or a few days). You have to "meet them where they are" and care for the needs of the moment.
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I have seen the same look in my FIL eyes. We went to visit him and I was shocked by that and the fact that he was not engaging us in conversations that day. He used to walk in his neighborhood 3 miles everyday, grocery shop by himself, read everything. My MIL does acknowledge that he has memory problems yet she won't discuss it with his dr. She will take him to the dr. but she won't go in with him. I think that he should be tested for dementia. I tried to explain to her that she is too close to see the rapid decline that we are seeing but she just shrugs. I don't know how to help them. It wasn't until my mother was observed for 2 weeks did I realize just how bad my mother had gotten but by that time I had made the decision to put her into a memory care home health reasons. Having an objective person observe someone is the best way to get a more correct diagnoses.
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It is dementia. When Mom has that look in her eyes, we have to leave her alone because she gets hysterical, lashes out at everyone around her, and throws things at people. It's ONLY when she has that look does she get extremely hateful and out of character. She DOES remember everything that happens during that time (although her memory of it is very distorted), but can't seem to stop the rage (part of her type of dementia).

Advice: if you haven't already gotten a diagnosis of dementia, you might want to him checked out. Good luck and keep us updated.
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The cause could be from several things. Often, those with dementia have a different look in their eyes, medications can cause such a look, tiredness can cause a vacant look & low blood sugar to name a few. . Just keep an eye on him, pay attention if there are other symptoms and report to his doctor if necessary.
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My dad had the same thing. We could tell by his eyes that it was a "bad" day. You just have to roll with it in general. If you see increased occurances than alert the doctor.
Take care of yourself,
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As long as they dont exhibit pain just hold their hand and be there. My mom does it a lot to yet has bright eyed happy days laughing at nothing lol. Her doc said there's no rhyme or reason for it. Roll with the good days and the not so good, it only happens more and more.just be there for them, that is priceless.
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my father was not on any type of meds at the time when he was showing the signs of "blackish eyes" or far-away looks. I personally just think it is part of the dementia and how it affects the brain and the eyes are a portal to the brain.
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Check his oxygen and sodium levels.
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Yes, my Partner will stare at me as though he trying SO HARD to see who I am and what I am saying...Then, suddenly he is fine.
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My Partner is admitted that he forgets what happened just the day before. Is short term memory part of this? Or do they loose long term memory. It appears to me that he is quite fit when he discusses the WAY BACK times...He remembers everything from then, just not yesterday.
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Oh, my gosh. My mom had that too. When her eyes would get that look everything changed - her mood would be angry, her body tense, her jaw tight and she would startle very easy.
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My Mom cannot speak but sometimes, often, she babbles and yahoo's and laughs for hours on end! She entertains herself, but lots of times it happens like all night long which is a drag. I do love hearing it though, and I wonder if she is talking to someone...
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I dread the day I can't tell someone that I am having a migraine. Happened to my dad and I could not convince the doc that was it. He could get over it and feel better in a day, but some of our visits were ruined!
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It is the disease & presents differently. My husband forgets my name. Do not take things personally.
Medications can also play a HUGE part in this. He is heavily medicated.
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Interesting as I have seen this in my spouse (alz) & seems to be the time he will not cooperate. Scary time but gets over it. Latest this happened...I sat him down & went away for 5 min. It was just before our granddaughters wedding & was time for us to be in picture & we could not get him. to get up. He stiffened up & not wanting to cooperate. He finally did but wondered if was strange crowd as he no longer remembers his grown children & me sometimes.
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Have any of the doctors suggested Lorazepam or the like to ease these anxiety symptoms? In the later years - I should think that the patient's well-being and comfort would trump any concerns about possible addiction. Of course - do take into account current medications and possible contraindications.
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Just be glad he doesn't have that scary look almost all the time like my dad. I tell him about things and what's going on, and, if he even bothers to open his eyes, he just stares at me. He will answer direct questions but with as few words as possible, often, "It don't matter" or "yah."
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My mom gets the same scary, evil look in her eyes when she isn't herself. I have been trying to make notes on what triggers it but there doesn't seem to be a reason. Sometimes it frightens me and I feel like I'm living with a stranger. Lately when I see and "episode" coming on. I find a reason to run an errand. I leave a note of what time I'll be back and I notice an hour or 2 later all is normal. Walking away and not feeling guilty has helped me too. Sometimes I simply my go downstairs and sit in the car. I am never more than 10 minutes away in case of an emergency. Hang in there, it's tough and only those who have gone thru it understand.
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My husband has spell likes this he feel he is going to faint and he just stares into space not answering me or acknowledge me as if I were not there. He also breaks out Into a cold sweat. He become drench . This happens every so often. The doctor thinks his pressure goes low so he takes medicine to raise his pressure. But he still gets these spells. He also has Parkinson, and every once in awhile he does not make any sense when he speak. It is very hard so we take one day at a time.
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to melchiora0: has your husband been checked for diabetes? sounds like his sugar is dropping, not the blood pressure....but who am I. I would ask to have him be checked for diabetes.
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It could be so many things.
You need to see the primary care Physician.
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