
Hello!My brother started calling me needing my help in money and a place to stay the winter of 2020, so for three years I helped him with anything he needed a d any money he borrowed he promissed promised he would pay me back from his settlement he was going to receive and I believed him, in January he caused a argument and took off walking that was the last time I saw him, I send text messages to hid gangster G friend but get her bad responds. He got a new phone number because I turned his phone off in February this year. He borrowed alot of money from me plus the wear and tear and miles on my car and my time should be worth something. He would stay at my apt couple nights a week then off to go hang out and party again.Not sure if he got his settlement t or not if he gets it I'm sure his G friend won't let him pay me back.What should I do? Im 64 and have scoilosis. Stress makes my spine turn more and stress is not good for anyone. When he left. He left walking with a bad ankle and snow on the ground it was the day he had a appointment with his lawyer about his law suit, he's going to get slot of money and I just want payer back what he borrowed.Susan

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Unfortunately hell will be freezing over before you see one penny of the money your brother owes you, so time to move on and let this be a hard lesson learned.
And never ever, as in NEVER EVER offer to help your low life brother again.
And don't back is a b***h so your brother will definitely get what he deserves in the end.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to funkygrandma59

He isn't going to pay you back and he never intended to. And there was never any windfall in the future, it was just an excuse to get you to give him what you have.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to lkdrymom

When you loan money to relatively you should know going in that you are essentially GIFTING them that money. I doubt you will see it back and I doubt the stress of trying to do so would be worth it. I am afraid you should have known this was a bad decision going in. You seem not to have know, and there is a price to pay for that, so just walk away and forget it.

You might send a kind reminder that you hope, when his suit is settled, he will consider repaying a loan, money that you now "badly need". That's the best you can do and I truly wish you good luck. If you have a signed contract you can legally go after him. If he won't pay then he is likely nefarious enough to avoid you and make you waste yet MORE money, this time on attorneys.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

There's nothing you can "do" unless you had a contract and even then, good luck trying to get paid back on a "loan" to a moocher. Consider what you did for him a gift, and come to terms with it so the stress doesn't worsen your condition.
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Reply to lealonnie1

Lending money to someone is a business transaction and requires a promissory note to protect the lender.

If he went to the bank he would have to sign one.

You lent the money from an emotionally standpoint but that doesn't mean one doesn't protect themselves.

He will not repay you, just won't happen.

Sorry, time to move on.
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Reply to MeDolly

You won't see any Money and Please dont let him Back In he will Only Mooch again.
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Reply to KNance72

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