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Finally got the first cleared test done. Now 1 more and then she is cleared of covid19! Thanks for all the love guys!
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My mom tested positive back in March. She barely had symptoms. Didn’t even know she was sick. Her place was hit hard. I called everyday to make sure she was still fine. She was just retested and is now negative. But i miss her and want to see and hug her. I don’t know when that will be.
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Mama still has low oxygen but they asked her how she felt this evening and she said "Crazy" and started laughing. I'm taking that to mean she is having major trouble worth her memory as usual. But her laughing and knowing it is a good sign!
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BSG, sorry your mom has dealt with this and glad to see you update that things are looking better. I don’t think there’s been enough reporting on those who recover. We need to hear the good stories too
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Here's to a full recovery and no after effects.
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Yes, my 97 year old MIL is in LTC and unfortunately has tested positive. She had a mild fever, lower oxygen level and loss of appetite. After about three days, her fever reduced, her oxygen level increased and her appetite started to come back. Not sure if we are out of the woods yet, but feel like these positive changes are giving us hope.
Good Luck, I hope for the best for all our loved ones!
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Sendhelp May 2020
Hopeful Bostongrammy! 🌹
My LO (92] has been declared virus free. She was ill at least 3 weeks. Her appetite has not returned yet, so the fact that your mama is hungry is a good thing!

My LO was infected by someone who had NO SYMPTOMS. Her AL took amazing care of her while she was ill.

We pray EVERY DAY for all who suffer in these terrible times. Keep well yourself!
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Good news BSG! May she continue to improve. Many elderly recover.
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Thanks guys! Her fever broke last night and she was hungry. That works for me. Thank you for all the LOVE!
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Sendhelp May 2020
Did not know until just now. Happy to hear she is already better!
Sorry you went through that. 🌹
BootShop, all is not lost just because she has the virus. Yesterday, I was surprised to see in our local headlines that a 91 year old woman recovered from the virus after battling it for about 2 weeks. 91 years old!! So, I’m going to think positively with your mom. {{HUGS!!}}
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I have just finished reading a note from someone whose 93 year old grandmother has recovered and is going home, may your mother have a similar outcome🤞 ((hugs))
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DAMN! I was hoping you would not be posting this BSG. :( Lots of people are recovering from the virus........even elderly people, so I am keeping your sweet mom in my prayers for either a speedy recovery or NO SYMPTOMS at all, better yet!

The ED of my mother's place sent out an EM the other day saying they're still in the clear for now, but that it's inevitable the virus will hit them one of these days. With 125 residents and all sorts of staff coming & going, it's just a matter of time.

One day at a time, right? Sending you a big hug, my friend.
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Riverdale May 2020
I realize you would not have an exact answer to this but giving your experience with working in a facility I was wondering your thoughts on this. If one is in a low risk state in terms of diagnosed cases and deaths how long do you imagine a facility will remain on lockdown. I understand the importance but I just wonder how long that might last. I realize it is a difficult decision as this is giving more assurance to the possibility of infection not happening but it can't go on forever or can it? I am using forever extremely I realize but I just wonder your thoughts.
Bootshop, I'm so sorry to hear this. Right now, I have friends with elderly parents both in and out of facilities who are testing positive. Most have recovered. I hold good thoughts and prayers for your mom.
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