
We lost our brother and my mind has been on him continually - prayers, memories, etc. I made breakfast for my mother (who is living with us now - she has dementia and needs 24/7 care). I had our public radio station playing and this song came on the radio, "Gabriel's Oboe (from The Mission)." A very heartfelt, strikingly beautiful, and full of feeling piece of music. Here's a recording on YouTube if you wish to listen to it.

There are two pieces on that link, but both are very touching and moving.

I hope you like it.

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LastOne, I think there are very special pieces of music that touch us, at very special times. There seems to be a link between soothing music and memories, just the right combination, for the right time.

I don't recall any that I can associate with specific instances, far too many of such instances in fact. But I've found solace in classical music, especially that of Beethoven, Mozart and Chopin. There are others as well: The first choral work I learned when I sang with a university chorus decades ago was Carmina Burana. Regardless of my mood, it elevates me immediately. So does the Hallelujah Chorus from The Messiah. They're both truly magnificent works of musical art.

Once an announcer on a local classical radio station described Beethoven's music as "universal". I thought that an interesting description, then realized there is other universal music as well. The Star Wars theme is one that transcends time and place. It must be a combination of specific instrument groups, as well as genius on the part of the composer.

Some operas, especially Carmen as well as the Italian lyrical ones, have a different type of universality that also brings solace, as well as sadness.

These types of music can really be comforting as well as inspiring. Perhaps that's part of their nature - that they span the breadth of emotions.
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Thank you for your thought GardenArtist. I love classical. We used to be able to attend the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra concerts. Really enjoyed that life.

Billy Joel actually is a really excellent classical musical piano player. His album Fantasies and Delusions is really neat!

Let the music stay in your life--
Have a great day
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Jeremy Camp. "Same Power", timely, happening now.
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Hi Sendme2help,

That is uplifting. Can get you motivated! Thanks for sharing!
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My favorite song about death and loss is Art Garfunkel's "Bright Eyes" from 1979. It was the theme song for the animated movie Watership Down and is particularly touching for someone who has watched as someone died and wondered where they went.
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I should add to not listen to "Bright Eyes" if you need to not cry.
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JessieBelle, That is a sweet song. There are songs that touch our hearts and our tears are that confirmation. Crying can be cleansing sometimes.

Thanks for sharing!
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There's times when we need to cry. We can get so paralyzed inside and unable to let the feelings out.
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I recall reading somewhere in some medical publication that crying is a release of intense emotions and is beneficial.
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"December", an album of mostly seasonal Christmas music by George Winston. Anything written by Bach and played by Glenn Gould.
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Last one, your link was removed, but I found Gabriel's Oboe easily, and listened.
Thank you.
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When I was taking care of complete vegetative-like bedridden mom (feeding tube, oxygen via trache) and demanding stroke bedridden father, full time job and the only one changing their pampers... There were times when I felt I was slowly drowning.

On Sunday's,when I heard in the radio: Cristy Lane's song One Day at a Time Sweet Jesus... I felt myself calming down and especially singing these lines throughout the week...

One day at a time sweet Jesus
That's all I'm asking from you.
Just give me the strength
To do everyday what I have to do.
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The Dance by Garth Brooks. I seemed to hear it every time I was driving home from a funeral for several years, and it could bring me to my knees. When we had Dad's service I asked my cousin to sing it. He listened to it and said no way could he get through it. I totally understood.
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You guys are all so high brow!
When I was feeling down and thought I was losing my mom a few years ago I discovered a song by P!nk called Beam Me Up, supposedly inspired by a friend who lost their child. Very emotional.
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That's a great song, cwillie. I just listened to it and know what P!nk is saying. Wouldn't it be easier if we knew what was on the other side and where they are. Is the lightning bug that got in the room really them? Or that black bird flying in the sky?
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Babalou, if I remember correctly, one of our local stations had posted the complete Remastered Bach by Glenn Gould on its website. I think it was available for a free download, although when I heard it announced I was kind of surprised it would be available for free.
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No, Jessebelle, that black bird flying in the sky is jude!
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Or maybe it is Glad.
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Go to piano brothers site. Lots of beautiful tunes there.
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Landslide by Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac.
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"Amazing" by Aerosmith. Sis requested it be played at her graveside, it was quite fitting. She'd gone through a struggle with alcohol. The husband, then daughter she got in life were not very good to her at all, especially considering how well she treated them. She finally left the loveless marriage, lost her beautiful new home, her snotty "daddy's girl" daughter left to live with exhusband, (money and nice houses meant more to her than love). Sis was living in crappy rentals, barely keeping up rent, kind of went down for some years. She pulled herself out, quit drinking on her own, and as the song says, she'd have been just the type who would be praying for others in that same situation to make it out. I hadn't heard the song in years, but given all that, it made me cry and smile for her at the same time.
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The ones I like the most are Amazing Grace and Knocking On Heaven's Door
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Cak, funny you'd mention Amazing Grace, that was the other song played at Sis' funeral. Only 2 songs, both with the word Amazing in the title. Ha-I had a moment with that song too. Sis was a wild driver. When they got to the verse "through many dangers tolls and snares I've already come"...I thought, yeah, that's no kidding, and I was right there with you, in the passenger seat. :-)

"Knocking on Heaven's Door" I love that too. My parents had that on an album, but I don't remember who's album. Was it Kristofferson?
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Bob Dylan does Knocking on Heaven's Door. Amazing Grace was done at my mother's funeral 7 years ago. I like Knocking On Heaven's Door better. When my time comes maybe 17 years from now (both parents lived to age 79); I could have a celebration of Life instead of a funeral and have Knocking On Heaven's Door played instead of Amazing Grace. I am also requesting to be cremated instead of buried; it will be Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust for me.
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