Wife can’t take Fosamax anymore. The neuro prescribed Boniva. Pretty costly stuff, $400, and the Medicare/insurance assist is about $15. I’ve held off and she fell, broke another bone. Pretty steep cost. Her bones are Swiss cheese which is why her femur had broken 2 months ago. Any alternative experiences are welcome.
Ask her doc.
After we discussed it and he decided to refuse it, he grew weaker over the next 6 years, fell multiple times but never again suffered another fracture.
Tuscany, your wife does NOT have to take a medicine for osteoporosis if she doesn't feel comfortable with the risks. You might ask the neruologist who's recommending it how much you could anticipate that Boniva or something else will contribute to slowing down the T-score of her osteoporosis, or more specifically, if Boniva or something else will stop the osteoporosis. I don't think it will stop or reverse it, and from what I've read that's not possible.
Ask what your wife is REALLY going to get out of it, and if that's better than weight bearing exercise, which is the standard nonmedical treatment for osteoporosis or osteopenia.
And in the meantime, if she's able to walk, start a regular walking program, ask how much calcium and D-3 she should be taking as supplements, and ask if she can get PT to strengthen her core muscles.
I didn't realize when I posted that your wife has MS. That could make a difference in weight bearing exercise. Is the neurologist who recommended Boniva the same one who treats her for MS?
I'm wondering if she could get some therapy from one of the Rehab Institutes, which treat some of the more challenging physical conditions. One at which I had therapy also specialized in TBI rehab; it's only the second facility I've seen that extended therapy to that kind of an injury.
And I apologize if I'm raising basic issues; I suspect that your activities and research are well beyond my meager suggestions.