
I am having a difficult time finding an assisted living facility who accepts people under the age of 55. I am only 50 but am unable to live on my own. I have been ill for over seven years. I have several severe medical conditions.

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My suggestion would be to check with your local agency on aging to see if they might know of some place

I find it unusual that there is a minimum age for Assisted Living as people who need daily help come in all ages. Go to the top right corner of this age, type in your zip code and see what facilities pop up, and give them a call.

Unless there is a minimum age limit if you are not self-paying at a facility, but being paid through a government agency.
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Talk to your caseworker about a Transition Plan. Indiana has Home and Community Based Services (HCBS). If you are terminal as you have stated, ask about Hospice care.
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Call A Place for Mom. They are a very helpful placement service.
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I am very sorry that you are only 50 and experiencing this. All three posters have very good advice. A Place for Mom really helped me when I needed care.

My thoughts are with you.
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Social Services can help, too
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Hi, pfoster10

I am truly sorry to hear of your predicament. It would seem that today in of our equality standards this would not be of concern.

First you have rights protected by the U. S. Supreme Court. It is important that you use and assert your right to equality. A person having a disability whether physical or mental and over the age of 18 has the right to housing and medical care the same as anyone over the age of 60 years. This is a Law determined to protect those with disability.

Another option because some folks do not want to have this type of conversation with the individuals who will be providing care for them. The more prudent way to achieve the same results would be to make contact with a social worker at your local hospital or employed by your physician. A facet of the social work position is to help people find housing or placement. The social worker may even be willing to walk beside you in your quest for housing.

Another solution may be to stay in your home or another home and have home care. There are several home care options. You will be able to get answers from a County Office Aging and Adult Care. This county office is paid for by federal funds. You will be able to have a support person from this office and that person my even be able to help with Assisted Living references.

There are several ideas to digest and several paths to attain your goal. Since this journey may require some activities uncomfortable for you. Look for another trusted person to make the meetings and work together in finding the best possible answer for your need. Having two people listening to the discussion or adding some information that is assumed will be an asset.

Everyone is different and therefore a wide array of needs to meet. I hope this will help you get the answers you’re looking for.
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If you have a good relationship and trust your medical doctor, ask her/him to refer you to a social worker. Most hospitals and insurances( including Medicare and medicaid) should be able to refer you. I'm not one but may I suggest you think realistically about what you need and want. Is this for short term? What does that mean for you financially? To get a happy result you often have to help those who help you. Also, Shasa340 gave great answer. God Bless you, we all wish you good results.
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Please consider an active community with amenities like billiards/cards room. Firness. Spa and salon services. You are young. Enjoy now.
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