
How did your LO react to Aricept?

My husband has been on it for a week and immediately improved, but after a few days he became really nauseous & it’s not getting better—it’s debilitating.

I called the doctor during the week—no call back. I emailed Friday—no answer.
I’m afraid to stop him cold turkey.

Also, it’s helping so much it’s be nice to find a work around.

Right now he’s just incapacitated but he remembers why!
Any advice?

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Grandma1954 July 30, 2023 5:15 pm
Vomiting is listed as a side effect with Aricept.
I never had that problem when my Husband took it. (but unlike you I never noticed a marked difference)
There are other side effects listed that I saw and there was one mention that it seems to effect people with a lower body weight (maybe that is why my Husband did not have any problems, no one ever said he had a low body weight 🤣he was 6' 4" and went between 250 and 280 pounds, when he was taking it)
I can't recall if it is supposed to be taken at a specific time but have you tried giving it to him at different times of day? maybe evening and he will sleep through the nausea...but if he is actually vomiting that could cause aspiration

since you have not been able to contact the doctor the BEST place to get info on drugs is the pharmacy.
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AlzWife Jul 2023
Thanks Grandma1954. He’s not vomiting; he is queasy. Who knows. Maybe it’s something else. He’s 170 lbs. I’ll call the doctor first thing and demand a call back.
Someone on another forum said eating a banana before the meal and then taking the pill worked for her LO who had nausea and diarrhea. I’ll try tomorrow & let you know if it works.
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Are you sure that it's really "helping so much" or is that just wishful thinking on your part?
My late husband was on Donepezil for a while and I never thought it did much of anything.
If in fact it does do anything it is said to perhaps slow down the progression of dementia, but only help(if it does at all)for about 6 months.
There is NO cure for any of the dementias and I personally think it's cruel and inhumane to prolong or slow down a disease that there is no happy ending to. I'm just saying.
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AlzWife Jul 2023
It has definitely improved his engagement, focus, conversation, and word retrieval. It does not work for everybody but it seems to be working very well for him. The neurologist told us it can raise the mini-mental score by about two points. I’m sorry it did not help your late husband.
Hi @md1748 thanks for your kind words! there’s a patch, apparently, that delivers the same medicine but does not go thru the GI tract. It’s called the Exelon patch. A poster on another forum suggested it. I’ll talk to the doc about it, if he ever calls me back!
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Here’s info on the rivastigmine patch:
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