
A few weeks ago I posted a question about if I'm a horrible person for wanting Mom to pass away, and soon.

Since then, her condition has gotten worse. However, she had a routine Dr. visit today and the prognosis was not good. The Dr had a very frank and honest conversation with her, and determined she has what the medical field calls "Failure to thrive".

She was admitted to a local ER minutes after.

Turns out her blood sugar was through the roof but more importantly, she has a UTI. Doctor said this explains her bouts of dementia, cruelty and a few other things. (My mom couldn't kill a spider, much less anything else...)

I don't know what happens now, other than she will be discharged once her numbers are better and most likely sent to a good rehab facility here in Seattle to build her strength back up.

I'm hoping this at least gives me a bit of Mom back. If not, then at least we did everything we could to bring her back to earth.

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Discharge to a rehab facility may not be reality. Covid has changed what is considered normal protocols across society. First she has to be in the hospital for three nights to be eligible for 20 days of rehab paid by Medicare. Then the social worker at the hospital has to find a bed in an appropriate facility.

If SW is unable to find a bed, that then becomes where will she go. Does she live with you? You with her? What is the situation? If you do not want her to return home you need to make that perfectly clear to the discharge planner/SW. She is not a safe discharge and she cannot get the care she needs at home.

Get her evaluated for hospice.

I looked at your post from a couple of weeks ago. You received 35 suggestions. It appears you provided feedback once. Hearing your thoughts is important and helpful when we try to offer suggestions. I am not saying to each comment, but somewhat more frequent.

"Bouts of dementia"?

Has your mother been diagnosed with dementia in the past, or was that a layman's assumption, based on her paranoia and accusations against your wife?

Go back and read your other thread. Once the UTI has cleared, please get a geriatric psychiatrist consult before you decide on where to place her.

And yes, a hospice evaluation is in order.

Thank you for the update!

Just fyi since others are suggesting she get evaluated for hospice: this in no way means she is imminently going to die soon. My MIL was put on hospice after having original covid Mar 2020 and being incredibly sick for 4 weeks. They put her on hospice and she had a full recovery after that.

If they do not suggest Rehab, I would ask for in home physical therapy.

Both the UTI and the blood sugar would cause Dementia type symptoms and she would be nasty. Make sure a culture is done for the UTI to determine what bacteria is causing the problem so the correct antibiotic is given. She should be on IV. My Mom was in 3 days just for a UTI. You have diabetes too that needs to be under control.

After she is stable, you should see a change in her. It may take a while but you should see a change. If she still shows signs of a Dementia, then you need to see a Neurologist to give u that diagnosis.

I would not consider Hospice until she is stable and has physical therapy. Then you can go from there. At this point I wouldn't overwhelm myself. Take it one step at a time. She is in the hospital for now, then hopefully rehab. You see how she is doing then you determine what to do from there. You can always come here for suggestions.

So glad u found the problem.

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