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Well I doubt quite THAT old, but I myself am far enough up there to wonder how long I have left to actively care for myself as well.

YOU plan to have a GREAT DAY TOO! Get yourself back here as soon as you’re able. There are a bunch of great people here who know the ropes, and while you’re recovering, you can expect a blend of sympathy, snark, and a bit of a push when you seem to need it.

I’ll be thinking about you and sending healing thoughts. Keep in touch!!

Welcome to the forum! I hope all goes well at your procedure today.

Heal quickly and well! Talk to you soon!

As a nurse I always saw great results with this surgery. They always tell you the dire things that could happen, but I never saw things happen any way but good. Sure thinking about you and hoping for you and hope you will write when you are out and in the clear. Thinking of you. I have surgeries I hate and fear in my own mind because of the constant side effects I saw, but this one was just such a change for the better with so few complications I ever saw. I hope that is the way of it for you.

Wishing you all the best!

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