
Anyone have little tips on any small exercise we should do to keep joints and balance health .
For any age. Like sometimes I do pushups off my kitchen counter.
These little things to keep are balance and healthy, the little things we do make a difference, standing on your toes , up and down while waiting for the microwave.
Anything like that

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I think we are conditioned from childhood to do things to save ourselves steps - trying to do things in one trip down the stairs instead of two or multiple trips or carrying all the dishes at once when setting the table instead of walking back and forth multiple times - sometimes we need to make a conscious effort to do the opposite of that in order to add some movement to our days!
I've bored people here before with my gushing over Leslie Sansone's walk at home program, that and my fitbit reminding me to get off my azz every hour has truly been a game changer for me.

Thank you for a new exercise thread.

Yes Cwillie, your right. In the winter when I know I need to move more , I often wash clothes, and fold one towel, then walk to put it away, them another, and go back and forth, just for movement

Trying to stand on one leg. Apparently it is one test many drs do for aging like 50-60 group. Not sure for how long we need to stand?
Does it count as exercise moving house and for the last two months, constantly up and down, I must have lifted hundredths of pounds.
Actually big improvement as I wear tank tops, (you know those arms which go just a tad flabby)appear better.
So I am motivated now to lift weights, just need to find them!
Walking is impossible as we reached 40s ( or high 80 for our American friends) and it is smoky from fires.

Totally agree with CWillie. Though I haven’t done them in a while, I have the Leslie Sansone dvd’s and know her program to be solid. And purposely taking more steps instead of fewer is something I’ve incorporated into my day. I walk back and forth cleaning up yard debris, way more times than needed, just to get more movement. Back when I was taking my dad to PT they always had him stand on one foot as balance was a challenge. I try to alternate standing on one foot while brushing my teeth and have built up the time I can last at it.

Yoga. If unable to do regular yoga, there’s chair yoga.

Having dogs forces me to walk - rain, shine or blizzard. Even on a “no exercise” day I often take 10,000+ steps just putting away laundry, walking the yard to fill bird feeders, vacuuming pet hair, grocery shopping. I swim during pool season. I am so fortunate that knee tweaks and PT have allowed me to return to my favourite sport: ice hockey. Yes, I am Canadian. I’m one of five women in the league and the oldest by about 25 years. (maybe 30% of the men are my age or older) I hope to add a 2nd game per week, or a training drills session. The aggressive workout is excellent for blowing off stress. I started playing in my early 40s. Do not underestimate what you can do!

As I age I have to play smarter and begrudgingly accept my limitations.

Sadly, I am still very overweight. Working on it...

My circle of female friends box, play volleyball, swim, do martial arts, bicycle and lots of walking. We’re all 60-ish.

In an attempt to keep my osteopenia from heading over the cliff to osteoporosis, I’ve started weightlifting.

I’ve discovered that it’s been having an incredible help to my mental health.

I do an hour MWF and walk an hour on Tues and Sat. Thurs and Sundays off.


Ana that's awesome!! So cool playing hockey, not something we do in NY.

CX, that's awesome!

I just got home from boccie, won all 3 games.☺️ It was hot and I'm tired.

Have a 20 lb toddler on one hip and vacuum. Push a kid in a stroller on a long walk with hills. Bend over a bathtub to give toddler a bath . Walk up and down the stairs carrying a toddler multiple times a day . Lift her in a high chair , in and out of the crib , bathtub.

I babysit 2-3 days a week and she is in a pick me up and carry me everywhere phase. Apparently she’s decided the honeymoon phase of her learning to walk is over.

This is my exercise, other than my housework . I need to get back to walking on my days home but it’s been too hot .

Way, that's the best exercise!!

Leslie Sansone videos can be found for free on youtube. For strength (and a lot of exercises you do while lying down on the floor:) Mari Winsor pilates are good - they just opened a new website with an affordable yearly charge - stuff for all ages- it looks like her entire catalog is there, stuff for oldsters too. With pilates just do what you can and you will see results - if the exercise calls for legs straight up in the air and that's not possible, just keep yours bent. Between Leslie and Mari you will feel better and stronger.

Hard to beat yoga for balance and lots of free videos on youtube

Walking, walking, walking does it for me. I also (unfaithfully) do balance exercises, as my balance is something I notice. Wish I was more social; would head out to a Tai Chi class.

When you think about nature, and how are bodies are made to automatically do things , like the sucking reflex after birth.

And birds are made to fly, rabbits are Hopers,

We were made for walking, I think that's the best thing we can do for are bodies

Missed you Alva

Up until last winter I was able to walk every day, 1-2 miles/day. Then my back decided to "check out" (due to degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis, scoliosis). I'm trying to figure out how to stay as mobile as possible, but it's not easy at 87 with chronic pain. I'm trying to get on board with using a cane. (My latest "fashion accessory". Ha!)

My area has a senior center which has a very reasonable annual fee. There are also classes of all sorts as well as a gym. Some classes are free but others such as pilates,barre, yoga etc have a $6.00 fee for a 50 minute class.

There are also other activities that are non exercise related. There are periodic trips, There is a fairly extensive library. Overall it is a social environment. It is strictly for seniors. I can't recall if the minimum age to join is 50 or 55 but right around there.

I do some other classes elsewhere but this is a good alternative on days I can't find other classes offered. If nothing else I use the gym although that is my least favorite activity as I prefer structure. One can also hire a personal trainer at a much lower rate that is generally offered elsewhere.

Elizabeth, 87 and just starting to accept a cane, sounds like your doing great.

Honestly I think canes are kind of cool. Saw a show on Netflix bridgerton, a lady has a cane and she seems powerful with it.

Riverdale, 👏🤗

Yes, you may not be able to do the exercises shown, but my go to is the Youtube video, "This Aerobic Video Wins Everything"

Elizabeth, there are a lot of chair exercises on YouTube and Instagram now, also

Last day for low humidity so going out for a walk, enjoy it while I can!

Try excercising each body bit separately. When we are young, it’s about standing up and moving everything – and of course that’s best for aerobic fitness. But just feet pushed against something solid, or just arms picking up weights when you are lying down on the bed, is better than nothing. Rolling from side to side, raising your bum off the mattress - every bit has muscles that can be moved separately. Strong ankles have a real value, and so do the other body bits.

I read something on Reddit this morning that has also been on my mind.

I'm a stretcher, 😆 I love to stretch, use to do yoga a lot.

Anyways this person was complaining about people looking at her odd when she is in public and stretches. I've often stood in line at a grocery store, stretched my arms up my neck, and have had people look at me weird.

Isn't stretching good for you or am I and the lady on Reddit odd? 😆 Should I keep my stretching inside the house?

20 years ago, people would look at you odd if you carry a water bottle around.

So I'm thinking maybe 10 years down the road it maybe will be more excepted and less odd?

Stretching at the park - normal. Stretching in the grocery store - uhm.... okay, I'd think that was a little bit strange and attention seeking. But heck, when I was relearning how to run and bike I kept to the trails so people couldn't see my pitiful efforts.

Lol, I guess your right Cwill, but for me it wasn't to be noticed it to me is like yawning or scratching an itch.

Ambulating to toilet, still able ✅ @ 3:00 a.m.
Stretching to touch floor while searching for glasses that fell off the bed in the middle of the night .✅
Walking to refrigerator and back to bed with my cold water bottle, 500 ml was heavy.✅
Hopping a bit after hitting my toes on something in the dark. ✅
Lifting my nightgown to see if I have any abs yet, and a cheeto fell out. ✅

Don't compare your exercise routines to mine. I am much less active in the heat of the day. 🛌


You scratch an itch in public?
Hope you cover your mouth when you yawn?
But stretching, you stretch whenever you can.
It will help you reach farther to get the healthier cereals off the higher shelves.
Whether it is done in the park, or the grocery store, you can stretch.

Nevermind me, I am so out of touch that I pulled the car over to ask a neighbor heading out if he needed a ride. He declined, saying he was just heading out for a six-mile run. Six miles, 100 + degree heat, at noon?

Lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, it was funny to me.
Trying laughter to save a few calories.

I am going to be making an omelet with avocado this morning, no joke! Soon, I think.

CWillie, That's what I am doing, sticking to my bed so I won't be seen in public doing my pitiful shopping in a motorized cart. It's not that I run into things too much. People may think I am too young to be using the cart.
So Nacy, people look at me funny in public too. It makes it suspect when I can walk intermittently a short distance. But they are not really watching that closely, are they?

I refuse to get a handicapped sticker, and drive around until a closer spot opens up.

In all seriousness, Cwillie, that was some heroic rehab exercise, having to relearn how to run and bike! Good for you!

Over-sharing is a sign of declining mental health. But I am still okay. Aren't I?


Nice to of had less humidity and getting my walking back in. I was worried getting out of it sometimes it's hard to get back into it

I dance around when I brush my teeth! And I don’t like squats, but when I remember, I alternatively hold a squat while brushing my teeth. Two birds with one stone lol

Maybe not for joints so much, but for the life of me I can’t hold still while sitting. Hard to explain, but holding still is so uncomfortable and I can focus better when I’m fidgeting. ( adhd ) So long as it’s not bothering anyone I just let myself fidget away, and it turns out fidgeting can burn up to 300-500 calories a day. The way I fidget this makes sense.

So fidget away and you’ve earned that next cookie, is my attitude!

I walk, walk, walk. Also do a YouTube 15 minute strength training video 3x a week. Being strong and reasonably fit is a non-negotiable for me.

🏋️‍♀️Here’s to all caregivers— past, present and future— staying healthy! 🏋️‍♀️

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