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I am back again. This past Wednesday my mother fell again. The girl that sees her in the morning found her on the floor and called me. I had her call 911. My mother threw them out when they arrived. That morning we were in the middle of a huge storm. I had a million things going on at my own home. Trees down,no power,etc. I needed to get my generator going to power my house. I got in my car and drove through downed trees and wires to deal with my mother. I told her we were going to the hospital immediately. We arrived at the ER where she was examined,had xrays,walked for physical therapy,etc. PT said she could not be home alone. The doctor said we cannot force her to do anything. They brought in a case manager who observed her walking and agreed with PT. If she went home she would fall. They sent her to rehab for two weeks. After two days she started badgering me about going home. I walked out on her. She doesn’t get it and doesn’t care how her antics affect any of us. APS signed off on her case saying it was unsubstantiated. This after six falls in eight months with three falls resulting in a brain bleed,broken shoulder,and broken hip. I have spoken to mom’s attorney at length and she asked me to stay on as POA. I just wrote her and said I am done. My mother won’t listen to reason and I have had enough of spending days at the ER or rehab center. I spent all of last summer,every day from July fifth to September 29th at the rehab. We cancelled all of our plans for the summer. Enough is enough. Tomorrow I will call her doctor and call APS and ask if a sixth fall is enough for them to get involved.
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Beatty Oct 2019
Is your Mother still in the rehab? Does she have the ability to discharge herself? If so, can she call a taxi & pay for a ride home? If not... there she stays for now & some thinking/planning time for you.
After her most recent fall my mother spent two weeks in rehab. Three days in she started in about going home and that she didn’t need to be there. Her roommate who is also 102 tried to reason with my mother. She told her she fell once and knew she couldn’t be home any longer. My mother wouldn’t listen . She arrived home were her usual sour disposition and got mad because our aide was talking with me and not her. Next thing we know she is screaming to the heavens ,where is my husband. I left at that point. Before I left I explained the medical alert system I got for her. Last night I received a call from the medical alert company and was told the alert had triggered. They called my mother twice and she hung up on them both times. An ambulance was sent . My mother wouldn’t let them in the house. I went over and let them into the house with my mother screaming get out of my house. After they left I again for the upteenth time tried to reason with her. I got nowhere. Today a nurse came to see her for follow up care and was disturbed by her answers. Everyone falls and she doesn’t worry about it. The nurse voiced concern for her safety with my mother saying she is fine. The nurse said multiple falls are not okay. She went on to tell my mother OT and PT would be seeing her three times a week. My mother said I don’t need them. The whole thing is maddening. I know I have said I would resign at POA,but her attorney asked me not to go that route. For the moment I won’t.
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Hang tough Jim.

Just another fall will do it - & will get her more care. Yes, let the ambulance service in.

An 'unwitnessed' fall needs a looking over by professionals & may need treatment. If Mum cannot be put on her feet, walk unaided & make good sense or if crew suspect injury - her refusal for treatment crashes up against the crew's duty of care. Especially if head strike/suspected stroke/brain bleed - anything that would change cognitive function.

*No-one saw her fall - she may have hit her head* and/or *her thinking is not making sense, I think there's something wrong* if true - use it! I have... with results.
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