In the case of a spouse 350lbs, (knee down) amputee who is bound and determined to return from SKN (4+ person assist) to his home that is not suitable for his disability and the added situation that his wife is both unwilling and unable psychologically and physically unable to provide for his care.
For you, see an elder lawyer. If Medicare is paying for Rehab, they won't after 100 days and they aren't a given. He will end up in Long-term care. An Assisted living will not care for someone whobis a 4 person assist. You need to have whatever assets you have split. His split goes to his care and when almost gone, he applies for Medicaid. Once on Medicaid, you remain in the home, are allowed a car and get part or all of the monthly income (Social Security and any pension) to live on. There is more to this but an Elder Lawyer will explain it better. An Elder Lawyer is needed because they are versed in Medicaid.
She needs to take a vacation, stay with a relative, whatever.
The discharge folks need to know that there is no help at home. If they are happy to send him home as a "safe discharge" under those conditions. she can return and have nothing to do with his care.
Is this person capable of arranging his own transport back home?