
The nurses and aides have thrown her down on the bed by her bad shoulder in front of my sister and niece and have left her in soiled sheets for entire nights. She can go to the bathroom, but because they have her in an adult diaper when my mom told the nurse she needed to go to the bathroom the nurse opened her bottoms pointed at the diaper and told her she's incontinent and left. Then told her she could wait 40 mins for PT to take her. She is losing more than she's gaining and they're doing nothing to help with what she actually needs. If we pull her out, which she has asked us to look into, will Medicare still pay for the OT, PT and nurse that was already coming to her house to help her with her distonia?

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For the days Mom has been in, Medicare will pay. Her "in home is completely different so u will need to check with ur contact person there.

You should be able to talk with the DON and ask that the doctor discharge her to home. That you feel she is not getting the care she deserves. If they bulk, tell them you will call the Ombudsman. I would anyway once ur home just to have it onbrecord.
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So sorry this happened to your mom.

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I'm so sorry for the distressing things that have happened. This January my 100 yr-old Aunt broke her hip. Due to her advanced dementia we declined surgery for her, but she still went to rehab to try to gain some motion (like pivoting). This is where I came to understand that a rehab facility (at least this one) does not operate like a NH or LTC. They would leave food for my Aunt but they didn't encourage her to eat it (or to drink).

Medicare should pay for it as long as it is prescribed by her doctor, and she cooperates and makes progress (and there might be an annual limit but IDK). If she doesn't make progress, the PT won't continue to be ordered, no matter if she or you wants to continue.

Kudos to you for be an attentive advocate for your Mom!
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Just one more thing. My mom had a concerned look on her face when I walked into her room after our incident happened at her rehab facility. I immediately knew something had happened and I was so glad when she told me about it.

Mom was afraid that the nurse would treat her worse if I reported her. I calmly reassured my mother that I would handle it and that I didn’t want her to be concerned about it.

When I reported it to the DON, I told him that my mother was concerned about the nurse mistreating her.

The DON said to me, tell your mom that I am not going to allow her into her room.

It’s kind of funny that my mom wasn’t used to male nurses. She always referred to him as a doctor and the female doctor at her rehab as the nurse, even though her primary care doctor was a woman! LOL

I spoke with her pharmacist to make sure that a double dose of meds wouldn’t harm her.

The pharmacist said something very wise. She said, “She will be fine if the nurse only overdosed her one time but if she did this frequently, she would have a problem. You need to report this because if she is doing this to your mom, she is most likely doing this to other rehab patients and this is serious.”

I didn’t hesitate to report this nurse. I didn’t ask for her to be fired but I certainly didn’t want her to be my mother’s nurse.

If care is extremely bad, then the state will shut the facility down. Unfortunately, a rehab facility that my dad went to after his stroke was absolutely horrible and the state did close down the facility. People have to speak up in order for changes to occur.
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ventingisback Aug 2023
Every Rehab has a Social Worker. The Social Worker should be in contact with you or one of your siblings. The Social Worker's main goal is to discharge your mom before she has been in rehab 20 days.
My experience hes been excellent with in-home OT and PT.
Medicare usually covers 60 days of in-home OT and PT.
You can verify that with the social worker and ask for a list of in-home rehab organizations. Please research them.
The Social Worker probably won't be in until Monday so I would visit your mom over the weekend and be a strong advocate for her. You may have to raise some hell as I had to.
Reading this brings me back to the nightmare I had with a bad rehab facility.
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NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2023

Overall, my mom received good care at her rehab facility. We did have one serious issue that I dealt with immediately.

An LPN decided to give my mother a double dose of her Parkinson’s medication so she wouldn’t have to make a second trip back to her room. I was livid and reported it to the DON.

The nurse admitted what she had done and was not allowed back into my mother’s room.

The social worker was notified of her behavior by the DON.

Sometimes, as advocates we do have to become hell raisers! Good for you for being a wonderful advocate for your family member. They need us to speak on their behalf in certain situations.

I fully realize that the staff has a tough job and I do respect them but I didn’t tolerate subpar treatment. Mom died at age 95 in a hospice facility.

I’m so sorry that your mom hasn’t received good care from her rehabilitation facility.

What did your sister and niece say when they witnessed this behavior from the staff? Did they report it to the DON at the facility?

Have you contacted the ombudsman in your area? Please report this.

Medicare pays for services that are given. She isn’t being given the proper care. Address this situation now with the facility.

Are you in a state where cameras are legal? If they are, I would suggest placing a camera in her room.

How much longer does your mom have left? I wonder if she could go to another facility. Who recommended the place where she is? I would tell them that the care is subpar.

I would also let her doctor know that she hasn’t received good care so he won’t send anyone there.

Best wishes to you and your family. Let us know how this is resolved.
Helpful Answer (4)

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