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You say he's happy so there is nothing to feel guilty about. You miss him and you miss the job of caring for him. That's not guilt. It's grief. I suggest that when you are not checking up on him, which is important for you and him, you try to find other activities that will satisfy your desire to help others or that will at least be of interest to you. I'm not sure anything will ever become as meaningful as caring for my mom in her final years, but I continue to try. The most helpful things for me have been to make art, be with other people, and to garden. Those are the things I neglected a little bit while caring for my mom. Take care of yourself.
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Reply to ArtistDaughter
Sammybucca123 Sep 6, 2024
Thank you so much for your reply. It is so helpful listening to people that are or have been in the same situation. Yes you are so right about doing things for myself as I have withdrawn from my own life. Friends , interests and activities, and have become very very lonely and isolated. Because it’s stupid I know, but I don’t think about myself while my Father is in a Nursing Home because I feel selfish. I do think sometimes is it a good thing? or bad thing? How close you are with your parents , but I wouldn’t be any other way. My whole life as the eldest child I have fair to much responsibility from the age of 10 years old. I was brought up as a CHILD ADULT, even close friends and family have told me since my Father has been ill, ‘Samantha you have always had far too much responsibility from such a young age. Oh Samantha will do this or sort that out, and that’s why I find it so hard to think about myself first for once. Thank you for your reply and support. Samantha
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