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An RN from the Assisted Living facility should or already has assessed your mom to determine if she is able to be accepted back into the facility. They should accept her back only if her assessment deems her safe to return there. Most facilities are pretty astute with these types of determinations as they have no obligation to return a resident if doing so poses a danger to the resident. Doing so only raises the risk of liability and caregiving needs for the facility to facilitate. Sometimes residents in rehab are pushed along to discharge before they are truly ready. If you have a good relationship with the assisted living facility, you should speak with the nurse in charge there to determine their assessment findings. It's important to have a little faith in the healthcare community, but it never hurts to speak up about any concerns you might be having.
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Mom in subacute facility and is receiving OT and PT.
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Hi Diane,

You wrote that your mom is in assisted living but then you wrote that they want to discharge her to assisted living. I think there's a typo in there somewhere. Is your mom in the hospital and they want to discharge her to assisted living?
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