My mother gets anxious around dinner or thereafter. It seems that as evening is approaching or upon, us she becomes anxiety ridden, argumentative and hard to deal with period. I took her to a general practice doctor today for a follow up visit after hospitalization for Arrhythmia and told them I needed medication for her bloating after eating and anxiety in the evenings and asked if they were familiar with 'Sundowning" and they said they were.
They prescribed Prilosec for the bloating and when my sister brought home the medications the one they prescribed for anxiety was Ativan. I have personally taken Ativan before and half of one pill knocks me out cold in about 15 minutes so I cannot see that this medication could ever be the correct one for her anxiety. I do not want her groggy or chance her falling when she gets up at night to use the bathroom.
Can you all share with me the types or names of medications you have found to be helpful for anxiety/sundowning and with the fewest side effects please.