Both of my parents have LTC policies which cover home health care for $245/ day. A company contacted them and said they could help them with their claim and help them qualify. The upfront fee would be $7,600. My parents have been very resistant to getting home care but now that they may be able to use this policy they are interested. I would be very relieved for them to get some help. My Dad recently had knee replacement surgery, has trouble with walking and is in a wheelchair part of the day, incontinence, recent falls and dizzyness, some dementia and doesn’t drive (my mom still does). Anyway here are my questions.
Has anyone used a service to help facilitate the claim with LTC in which the company charges a sizable upfront fee ($7,600).
Is it worth it? I have zero experience dealing with LTC insurance but I suspect they will not want to pay and I am wondering how difficult it will be to get Dad approved.
If we are able to get Dad approved will that likely continue long term? As he is 83 I don’t think he will improve a lot. Hopefully just maintain for awhile.
Thanks for any info.
my parents were struggling, Mom could barely walk and Dad was in rehab. I had quite the job trying to get them to start paying out. I sent a video of my Mom trying to get up the three steps in front of their home and thet got the ball rolling. They sent a care scout out to do an evaluation, tons of paperwork had to be filled out along with paperwork done by the family physician.
after a 100 day stay in rehab for my Dad they finally started to pay out. I had my Moms started immediately. I moved them to assisted living near me and despite some bumps in the road they have payed out despite being behind a few times.
Dad died with $51,000 left on his policy and to bad for Mom, the greedy company kept it
we had to have a family intervention to tell mom that dad could not take care of her without help anymore because he was injuring himself and his quality of life was affected. Difficult discussion but it worked. Good luck!
I have an LTC policy but have no experience with claims yet, so these are just my thoughts if I were trying to obtain the benefits. I along with my family knows my history and have access to all the records so I would think a service may have to go through us anyway for some of the information. Our providers have been very willing to help us get benefits we are entitled because they know first hand our needs. My first impression is a company like this, if legitimate, can provide a very worthwhile service for clients where money is no problem or have no one available to advocate for them. Dealing with any insurance company takes time and a service can not guarantee they can do it any faster than we can do it ourselves. Most benefits date back to the day of application so I would try to hold off paying a service.
Your loved one sounds like he needs to possibly be admitted to a memory care unit which will require testing to determine ability for independent living. I would contact the insurance commission to explain what the insurance company is demanding before approving the care your loved one has paid for already.
There's no way they need a middle man to scam them out of $7k to do paperwork.
Unfortunately mother is again throwing up roadblocks about having anyone in her house. So I think we may be stuck again with disaster plan.
I might also research any class action suits against this company or the filing of any complaints with the insurance commissioner in your area. This sounds not right to me.
I have seen some dreadful things with LTC. The worst was a policy that denied care compensation in facility unless there was 24/7 RN present; in all truth that just doesn't happen.
I sure do wish you luck.
Me, they must have a list of agencies that will accept the insurance. There is no qualifying as such. You call an agency and tell them what you need. Me, I think 7k is high for just setting them up.