My brother helped a lil but he killed himself. My aunt was my outlet and support she killed herself. My dad who I also took care of just died he was one that help keep mom under control she listened better to him. I have no life if I go to store I put her to bed she calls because she got up and fell so gotta run back home. I'm so tired!!
Falls in your loved one are so incredibly stressful, been there. I don't know if this will work for you (maybe better than it did for me, I hope?) but trying to accept that it's impossible to eliminate every risk, and that if your mother falls, then she falls, and you'll deal with the fallout once it's happened and you know what has to be done at least gives you a kind of cushion of fatalism to lean on. It's a variation on thinking "what's the worst that could happen?" combined with recognising that once you've done your best there's nothing more you can do.
Of course you're tired. So it's not so much wanting to run away as wanting to sit down and STOP. Is there any way you can hire respite care? - or will your local social services help with that? It doesn't cure everything, but recharging your batteries, I found anyway, does make it easier to carry on.
At the risk of stating the obvious, there is clearly a family vulnerability in mental health terms. Make sure your GP - if you haven't got one, GET ONE - is aware of the history so that s/he can watch your back for you. Your brother and your aunt needed help and didn't ask for it and/so didn't get it; and to be frank what they did was pretty unfair on you. So ask. Be the squeaky wheel. Make a fuss. You are entitled to help and support - don't repeat their mistakes.
Comfort yourself and do what you can to lessen the load.
Obviously you have to conduct all the usual checks but it might be a way for you to get some much needed time for yourself xxxxxx bless you - remember without your health your mum has noone so it is vital you take care of yourself