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Why in the world have you been caring for an EX husband? He's obviously an ex for a reason right?
If he has no immediate family that can help in get placed. report him to APS as a vulnerable adult and let them take over, which will mean that the state will take over all decisions for his care.
You have given him WAY too much of your time already and your health has suffered, so it's time to cut your losses and start taking care of yourself, and let others or the state take care of your ex.
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Find an elderlaw/estate planning attorney to help you.
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You must be exhausted after five years of caring for him. I am sorry that you are in this position.

Have you been in contact with Council on Aging in your area? They can do an assessment on his needs, answer your questions and make recommendations on future care.

Please don’t put your own health in jeopardy in order to care for your ex.

Wishing you peace as you transition into life after caregiving.
Helpful Answer (2)

Are you his POA?

Is he incompetent?

If so you can act to get him diagnosed and placed.
If not, your only option is to leave.
You are not related to him anymore. You may likely not get guardianship. You would need to report him to APS as a senior at risk who has no family (if he has no family).
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