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Capn - I thoroughly enjoy all your posts. I don't get involved in your discussions, just wanted you to know that you have another (silent) admirer :)
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well you cant win em all. im going to watch an alice cooper concert with the GIRL orienthal ( sp ) playing lead axe.the girl aint no joke damnt, shes wicked on the lead guitar..
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put a warning on my posts, whatever. ive educated the copulation out of myself in order to give my mother the best quality of life possible. i think her renal cancer has spread to her lungs and bones and if i can make her laugh even briefly, shame on the church f ***s who have a problem with that. im trying to get my mother some more effective pain meds if i have to whup the entire multiply indighted southern care organization. im the trusted man, i dont take much crap.. mom puts me first cause ive got BALLS. she knows ill do battle.. she made a good choice, my sisters are idiots..cappy will make a scene..
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I hear ya Mishka, and love you back! (I'm still planning to checkout that live video feed on the beach one of these crazy nights....can't get it on my iPad tho, and if I try going on the main computer after dark my bird gets mad...Bummer!) An after hours chat room would be just the thing!!
Cap'n- you have yet again enhanced my evening with another stunning visual. ROTFFLMAO!!!!!
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Oh Yaya and BoniChak I just love you gals!! And I am so glad to see you on here Cap'n!! Sometimes, late at night, when the house is all quiet and my mind starts to wander to all the things that I worry about and I come on the forum and see Cap'n posting off the wall stuff with expletives throughout I, well, I just don't feel quite so lonely-or so effed up! Hahahaha! no, really, it does help. Maybe AC should have an after hours posting for the insomniac crazies that cuss a lot and then they can delete it come morning. ;0)
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if anyone attacked jeanne that person should be reprimanded. jeanne is the most giving and loving person ive ever known. her personal loss never held her back from comforting people for one minute. this aint the 1950,s ac , let us destress in our own way. the old englishman who trained me in masonry was a colorful individual. if hes aware of the political correctness were being subjected to right now hes probably spinning in his casket with an erection, making a hollow bonking sound with each revolution.
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Yes capt, I could sure use a GOOD nights sleep. Glad to see you, please stay, there is not enough testosterone on this sight. Men think more and women feel more. That's what keeps us grounded, like Ya ya said. I too Hope jeannegibbs comes back too.What was said to her was deleted, before I got to see it. We can't let a few cranky-butts affect us. We have enough problems. Love you guys!
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HA!!!! Don't I feel silly now....took too long to submit my post! So glad you're still here cap'n! And still funny....and crass.
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IMO (as cap'n would say... ) the hurtful comments made to jeannegibbs were far worse than any cuss words dear cap'n ever posted. Stinging remarks and leaps to judgement have no place on a forum like this. I've been astounded at times by how quick some posters are to write comments without first taking the time to read enough of a thread to make a reasonably informed and intelligent response.
Jeannegibbs is the best, and I'm sure she'll be back. Her wisdom and insight are really needed here. I miss her too Mishka.
As for dear, funny, crass yet kind-hearted cap'n I really HOPE he's not gone for good!! He kept me grounded. He made me laugh, I mean really LAUGH, and if he's really gone I'm going to miss him more than words can say.
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its why we dont sleep well boni. we need the everloving stuffin effed out of us to release the endorphines that bring good sleep. i could say this with different words but it would take 400 of them to produce the same message.. screw AC with a lite bulb..
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Uh I going to be reported???? (shaking in my bootie slippers.)
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Yay! I didn't take you for the kind of guy that would let cranky old biddies get to you. Someone (You, me, and the biddies) needs to get laid!
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im not a complete history lesson yet but i aint too fond of contributing when someone waters down my message. ive been a member of daily strength for years and this particular forum lets you speak uninhibited. were all adults here, we dont need berated like school kids. my gosh, if a few irreverent cursewords bring stressed carers a moment of laughter i have to ask whats the harm?
ps, hurray lizzardshit f **k !! lol
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Oh, I hope he is not gone. I , too, enjoy Cap'n. I miss Jeannegibbs too!!! What the heck is going on?!?!?!?!? Come back people!!!!!
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Huh? What do you mean? Captain's gone? How'd you find out? Bummer!!
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