
100% disable. She can't drive anymore I do all the cooking and cleaning, help in and out of the shower. Drive her to her appointments.

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Hi Roger - you should call your local Veteran's Administration office - they could help assist your girlfriend and explain what benefits they can offer her. It would be based on her income. The VA can take you thru the steps of applying for benefits - especially since she's disabled, they can explain the amount per month she may be eligible for regarding caregiving expenses.

All the very best ~
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Reply to Hopeforhelp22

Lydia receives SS and retirement from the military.
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Reply to Rogerv72
KNance72 Jul 15, 2024
Speak with the VA I would think you could .
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Lydia is 66 I'll be 72 August 1st. Lydia can walk do small things around the house. She can't go back to work and she doesn't drive anymore.
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Reply to Rogerv72

Yes I'm 72 in perfect health. I've been taken care of Lydia for 10 years now. I only see the doctor once a year for my yearly check up,I'm in better shape now then last year.
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Reply to Rogerv72
Anxietynacy Jul 15, 2024
Thanks Roger, awsome keep up the good work. Hope you get breaks and time for yourself.

I don't really have an answer for you . Hopefully others do.
If she is 100% disabled she needs to be in a Skilled Nursing Facility. If she can't afford it Medicaid may pay. You will not be paid that much money if you are even able to get her "in home" Medicaid. If you have a job, keep it, you need those earnings for SS andvyour future. Maybe better off finding her help thru Medicaid.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to JoAnn29

You are not a blood relative nor are you married, therefore you may be able to be a paid caregiver for your GF, but we need more info:

How old is she and you?

Is she on SSDI or Medicaid? What are her financial resources? Does she own a home, a car, have savings, other assets?

What state do you live in?

What exactly is her disability? Is it physical or cognitive or both?
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Reply to Geaton777

Roger, I new someone that had a disabled brother, he actually went and took CNA classes so he. Could be his brothers full time caregiver, and get paid.

But I just realized, you are 72? Are you retired, you don't give us a lot of information to go one to answer with out it being rather generic. Your GFS age and health issues would be helpful also.

Now about you, are you sure you want to do this? It will be hard! Please be aware of that. It will probably effect your health you anxiety, your everything. I hope you have a good support group, and help.

Anything else we are also here
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Reply to Anxietynacy
Geaton777 Jul 15, 2024
Where are you getting that he said he is 72? From his profile name? That doesn't mean it's his age.
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There are a couple of possible ways that you *might* be able to be paid.

If your state has any kind of resources to pay in home caregivers for her care (via Medicaid) that might be one option. Not all states have an option for this though.

The only other option for you to be paid would be for the two of you to draw up a contract and SHE pays you. This also may not be an issue if she doesn't have the funds.

I'm not sure how old you are, but I'm making some assumptions based on the 72 in your profile name - that you are in your 50s. Correct me if I'm wrong.

If you are not already retired, and you are in your 50s, while I can appreciate why you would want to be the one to provide care for your girlfriend, it may not be in you best interest to do so. If you are retired, you probably have your own income that will not change if you are home with her 24/7. BUT if you are not retired, you have to consider what no longer working and becoming her caregiver means for your future.

What we find here is that it is very rare for a familial/loved one caregiver to be paid enough to really live off of. Whether it be from a state funded allowance or your GF paying you, it won't likely be enough for you to live off of.

Additional details might be helpful.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to BlueEyedGirl94

Hi Roger
Are you asking can you be paid for being a caregiver to your girlfriend?
There are sometimes resources available through Medicaid.
Call your Area Agency on Aging and ask for guidance.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to 97yroldmom

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