
My moms OT suggested to me we get one of those automated pill dispensers that sound an alarm when a dosage is ready to be taken and only allows that compartment to be open
With my mom the simpler is the better, but dont know if this would actually be more complex.
If so, any recommendations for brands?

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Years ago I saw a Phillips in action. You can fit 7 or 10 days of pills in it. It locks so the person using it cannot get to the pills. You set the timer to go off when pills are needed. A voice tells you "time to take your pills". The person pushes the button and the pills come out in a little container. If the person does not push the button the recording says again "your pills are ready". I think maybe 2x. If the person does not push the button, the person who is a contact is called and told the pills have not been taken.

As I said, this was probably over 12 yrs ago when I worked. You do need to rent it. I just thought it was so neat.
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