I know that just because something is working for my mother does not mean it will work for everyone but wanted to share in case it might help you too. I bought my mom GO LESS by AZO ( expensive little pills ) and it has really helped ! She is 79 and really only is incontinent during the nighttime but has a problem getting to the bathroom on time during the day at times. We discussed this with her GP and ( of course surgery is always an option but that is not what she wants at 79 right now) he prescribed a med that she could use at night ( that her insurance takes) and now she only uses the Go Less AZO during the day. All this being said - she is able to keep the bed liners dry much more often. I was washing the liners - one almost every night and now it is only one or two a week that gets damp ! She is happy that this is helping - and I am happy to be able to do less washing / bleaching of these pad liners. Hope this will help someone as much as it has helped us.