
I realize some believe in people from our past relaying messages to us, and some don't.

Couple years ago I wrote on the forum about a strange odor that would come from a bookcase that my late Dad had made for me when I was a child, and that my parents had used until they passed. Couple weeks ago I finally narrowed down the odor to my late parents large mantel clock.

That strange odor would coincide whenever someone in the family had passed the day before. The odor would stay for less than a half hour.

It's been awhile since the clock had expressed itself, until the other day when my cousin, who was my parents God-Daughter had passed [she was 74]. The next day, there was that odor.

I still remember when the clock, which hadn't chimed in years, let out one chime the day after my cat had passed. It was like Dad was saying "Don't worry, Sara is here with me now".

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After my father passed, I was super upset and listening to physics on YouTube. One was talking about a clock always at 11:11 when she looked at it. She said it was her dads birthday and they can show special dates that way. I had a clock that had stopped in my dining room, that I had not replaced because I was spending all my time with my dad. At the moment I heard what the pyschic said, I got up and looked at that large wall clock. I almost fell over. It had stopped at 6:20. My dads Birthday. That clock will never be moved or replaced. Of all the times it could of stopped, it was 6:20. Truly unbelievable and unexplainable. I later had a pyschic reading by a well known woman and she told me so many personal things, that she could never, ever know. The clock experience definitely made me feel better about my dads passing. So did the psychic. But the clock truly was a game changer.

I know someone who bought a home that a murder occurred in.

She wasn’t told about the murder. She stopped going into that room.

She said that the room was always cold and had negative energy.

She said anyone that walked through that room felt an uneasy feeling.

She ended up selling the home because she was so uncomfortable.


I get chills every time you tell that story! It’s a beautiful story. Hospice nurses tell these stories often.

My friend tells a similar story. Her mom was nearing the end of her life. She took care of her mom but she continued to work at her job.

Her niece would help out occasionally and had a frightening experience.

She called my friend at work and said that there was a man in her hallway walking towards her mom’s room.

My friend told her to hang up immediately and call 911. She told her aunt to listen and to please believe her.

She went on to say that he wasn’t completely solid. She felt like he was a spirit.

My friend asked her to describe him. She went on saying he was wearing a gray sweater and a tan hat.

My friend told her niece, “Don’t be afraid. That’s my father. He’s there to help my mom transition.”

Her niece had never met my friend’s father. When my friend returned home she got out an old photo album.

She showed her a photo of her dad. Her niece screamed, “That’s the same man.
He was wearing the same sweater and hat!”

My friend told her that he never took off his sweater or hat.

My friend’s grandmother, father and mother died in that house.

My friend inherited the home. She and her husband live there.

Once I asked her if she was afraid in a house that three people died in.

She said, “No, just the opposite. I feel like they are watching over my husband and I.”

Shell - do let us know if you get anything from your recording.

MTL1974 - I have told this story a few times on this forum, but I'll repeat it here for you to read.

This happened about 5 years ago when my mother developed Alzheimer's and was very ill. We thought she was not going to make it. She was living with me at the time. For weeks, she kept telling that my late father (her husband) appeared to her and just looked at her not saying anything. Of course, I saw nothing and felt nothing.

One night, I was standing next to her bed while she was lying down. She pointed to the foot of the bed and said that my late father was there. I looked and saw nothing, and I told her so. She kept insisting, and I kept telling no one there. And from the corner of my eye, I saw some movement in the mirror, I looked in it and saw my father walking/floating out of the room through the window. I just froze in fear. I think I showed himself to me because I didn't believe he was there.

MTL1974- I have no doubt what so ever in my mind that we continue on in spirit form after we cast off our physical bodies.

Have you heard of Raymond Moody? He is an MD and PhD. He is the first person that researched and systematically compiled and categorized "near death experiences" (NDE). In fact, that term came about as the result of his first book Life after Life in which he reported many cases where patients clinically died but later revived. Those patients then reported their experiences of being outside their bodies, and seeing doctors and nurses perform medical procedures on them that they could not possibly see and hearing them talk, all while they were clinically dead. Many also reported seeing incredibly bright light that was full of love, and seeing supreme being, and/or their loved ones who have passed.

I like the fact the Dr. Raymond Moody takes the stance of a skeptical researcher, looking for explanations that are logical and verifiable, and not jumping to conclusions.

I just finished reading another book of his called Paranormal: My Life in Pursuit of the Afterlife. This book goes even further in researching the field of life after death. It includes cases of "shared death experiences" whereas some people who were near or next to the dying persons could see what the dying patients saw as they were dying. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about his research on life after death.

So, I have an idea...because I will be sleeping alone, well kind of...I will have my cat Shadow with me. I am going to have a voice recorder on tonight and ask some questions out loud and see if I catch anything! I will probably be leaving it on all night as well!! I have done this in the past and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't! Well see...

My sig-other woke up last night around 3a.m. He heard a weird nose coming from my mother's room. Turned out he heard two women talking, so he peaked in thinking it was her TV; however, it wasn't! My mother was a sleep. He really isn't a believer dispite that we live in a haunted house!!

I woke to hearing wind only last a few seconds...I can't but help think there is some kind of connection to all this! These are not normal for this house! It has amp up a lot over the past few weeks!🤔

I never thought about looking under or behind drawers. We don't have a old wash stand, but we do have a old one cabet kitchen. It has a burner on top and a slide-out cutting board with two small drawers for silverware and two big drawers for pots and pans. We also have two bedrooms set from my dad's parents house! My mother is using one of the dressers set and I am using the other! I will now be checking them out! Thank you for your ideas!

I wasn't scared. It takes a lot to scare me off! I was just startled.

I think it was your dad just letting you know he is around!🙃

People do hid money in the craziest places. I knew someone who hid money stuck to the walls then covered it up with newspapers. I also new someone who hid money in coffee cans. They had a rack in a room off to their kitchen that was full of coffee cans with money in it!

My dad use to hid his money in the coal ducks at his old house. I have looked in our cold air vents and found nothing!!

I don't even know if the rumor is true or not...but my dad use to say, "I came into this world in a family with money and I'll leave having money!! He really was born with a silver spoons...I have his baby spoons made out of silver!🤔

Hi all,
as I mentioned earlier I am loving reading all of your experiences or signs from your passed loved ones. It gives me faith that once a person passes away they are not gone simply on another plane, in another world or in heaven.

Shell38314, your story of hearing footsteps I hope wasn’t frightening for you. It reminded me of something that brought a smile to my face. As a teenager I loved watching all these paranormal shows and would usually end up freaking myself out. At least once I had to sleep with my light on all night which made my father laugh at me since the fear was self inflicted. Nowadays I don’t watch much of those things and am more skeptical. Anyway, sadly my father passed away in 2009. A few months after he passed away I was home alone and was hearing noises in the house that I could find no explanation for. It was starting to scare me when I said out loud “If that’s you dad, stop it! You know how much those things freak me out!” And I swear the sounds stopped. And I started to laugh feeling like it was my father sort of teasing me. Getting a little chuckle.


People hide money in all sorts of places.

Grandpa would unscrew the top finial on the bedpost and place money in
the bedpost.

Some people bury things in their backyard.

My great aunt hid money in the freezer.

One of our colorful politicians hid lots of money in ‘frozen food’ boxes in his freezer. He went to jail!

Shell, oh my gosh, hearing foot steps. My cat sleeps with me, so if I hear a sound that wakes me up, I first check to see what the cat is doing. That will let me know if I was dreaming or not.

Hmmm, hiding money. Do you have any old wash stands or drawers that had belonged to the previous generation? Pull out the drawers and see if there is anything hidden in back or underneath. Any old wash stands that have drawers? Sometimes there is a hidden slide out drawer at the very bottom of the wash stand. My antique night stand looks like there isn't a drawer, but there is one, it hides as part of the trim.

Well, it's nice to know I am not the only one trying to solve a mystery.

The other night, I woke up in the middle of the night and heard loud breathing then foot steps. At first, I thought it was my SO, but then I realize he was at work. I popped up and there was no one in my bedroom!

First, I had things few off a selve and now breathing and foot steps!

My bedroom was my dad's bedroom...I feel like he is trying to tell me something; this all started after I made the decision to move out & sell the house!!!

Side note: There was a rumor that my dad hid money somewhere in the house. A thing he did in his old house. His parents lived through the depression! I am not sure if this is true or not!!

Well, my late Dad was smell "signaling" me again from that old mantel clock on the bookcase last week. But couple days before, a decor item which was made from the old fashioned folding yellow measuring sticks, that tradesmen used many decades ago, sat near the clock.... well, the "signaling" smell was on that. Hmmm, maybe Dad was indicating a measurement of time. Then two days later apparently that person had passed.

I am still scratching my head wondering who had passed. I have been checking Legacy for names within the family but without any luck. I can't call anyone on my Dad's side of the family as I don't have their telephone number, no email addresses, etc. Those cousins were just way younger then I was, so there was no connection. Just mailing address for a couple. I will need to wait for the backlog of mail to catch up to try to solve this mystery.

It is funny that you mentioned strange smells in a home.

I had a neighbor who smoked cigars. He died in his home.

The real estate agent said she would frequently smell his cigar smoke in the house where his favorite chair sat.

Isn't it in said Genesis 1 that "God created man in his own image. . ."
Warts and all?

OK, so the warts thing isn't in the Bible, but that's how I interpret it.

My mom and I had the same dream on the same night about my deceased brother. We were grieving. It was only a few weeks after his death.

Before going to bed that night we had both prayed for God to care for him and wanted to know that he was finally at peace.

When I was telling her about the dream, she finished my story.

When I asked my mom how she knew what I had dreamt, she said that she had the same dream.

In my dream my brother was younger than at the time of his death. He wasn’t sick.

He was smiling and happy. He was cooking and serving us a delicious meal.

He was a wonderful cook so it didn’t surprise me that he was doing one of his favorite things.

You know I have had strange, unexplained things happen in my life and that's fine. They happened and I don't know why but I still believe it goes against my beliefs as a Christian to pursue these types of things in any way.

If my stories on here in any way causes someone to start looking for answers in a way that goes against my teachings I apologize. I can't quote verses because I don't know my Bible as well as I should but I do know that it states in several places that one should not pursue the occult or visit charlatans etc.

So I'm sorry I contributed in any way towards anyone on here possibly doing that.

I think we all have a supernatural gift to some degree or another. It is just some of us are more tuned in.

My mother's gift: she knew who would come by the house or when the phone rang. She would tell you who it was before anyone answered it. It used to drive my brother and me nuts!!

Once when I was 15 yrs old, my friends and I were out driving around and we rolled the car. I screamed "MoM." We were taken to the hospital and my mother was there waiting for me to arrive. The nurses thought she was crazy because she asked if I was there and they told her there was nobody there by that name. She told them that I would be there, but she had no details on why or what happened. I remember the nurses talking about it in the hallway. LOL!! Anyways, my mother said, "she woke up from a dead sleep hearing me call out to her!" That was the one time she had a mother's intuition.

If I could give you my gift-I would!! Then you can have ALL the CRAZY things that go along with it!

I'm sorry that you miss your mom so much. I hear or feel my dad around at times and I have to say, "it doesn't make it any easier!"😕

Gosh I am loving reading all of your stories. It is bringing me comfort at a time when I am missing my mother so much. I hope and pray to get some signs that she still exists somewhere and is alright and hopefully can see, hear me.

i would love to read more stories of signs from passed loved ones. Of course I understand that they can be very personal so please do not feel like sharing your story if it is too personal and special for you. I understand.
thank you all for your stories.

This is an interesting question. I would say I neither believe nor disbelieve in the existence of ghosts or spirits, but I would never dismiss someone's personal experiences in this area. I've posted before about the devastation I felt in not being able to be with my father when he died last year, and also because I felt I had not been able to say goodbye to him properly. Two months after he died, I had an extremely vivid and realistic dream, where dad and I were standing on the deck of a large ship. The weather was stormy, it was just the two of us, we stared at the huge waves but I felt no fear. I knew he was going to leave me, and asked him how long he had got left. He held me close and said he had a while yet. We stayed like that, feeling very peaceful and secure despite the storm, until I woke up. I felt it was the goodbye I had needed, and that although it had been a dream, it was as if he had really been there - so maybe he had. I do know that it brought me comfort when I really needed it.

Shell38314. Oh I think so!

I don't have that gift that many in my family seem to have. Once I had a call at 11-ish and I thought Oh, that must be my ex's wife (she was unhappy and it was not a good relationship). I answered and heard a very faint weeping sound, I asked if she needed picking up and she said yes, and stayed with me for a couple of days. She later thanked me for not saying anything abt my ex -- I think she just needed a place to calm down. That's the only time. And perhaps it was the fact that it was late at night and she was on my mind. I do wish I did have more of a gift!

I think I'm just too closed -- there's a wall around me. A lot of bad things have happened to me from my childhood on and it hurts too much to think abt them. So I don't.

Judging by that shrieking cat's demeanor -- I think mum was infuriated that she had to go ... at least that's my interpretation. But who knows!!!

Shell, I think it was a sould who loved the pier, and decided to stay there. When the time was right, the soul would do fun things.. I only been there one time at night, and that was over 30 years ago... I may try it again, but since my brother is on that side too , he might join in on the fun :) Maybe I will do that...
Maybe he will pop in and say hello. :_) I do miss him.
Towards the end of his life, he couldn't talk. That doesn't mean he could not express himself.. He could always do that :) speech was out of the question for him, but he understood most of time, and we laughed as much as we could...

Mom was hopsitalized many years ago.. uncontrollable bleed, hemoraghing. the priest was called in, from what I the story was told.. as she layed there, the priest, prayed over her. she felt her soul leave her body..she thought to herself: "He, hubby", wont recognize me", I am too beautiful, he will not know who I am."
kinda tells you what dad thought of mom, or how she thought he did.
She came back to her body, with a warm "ball" where the issue was.
She heard the doctors and nurses talking.... she believes she actually did die..So do I...
this happened before I was born....

I "took"care of mom for a number of years. My brothers played a good part,, but I felt I was there mostly...maybe part of why she died when she did.. I don't know. I need to ask for forgiveness..
the evening before was just bad. I picked my brohter up and brought him to mom in the morning. He told me to go home and relax. Well, I started watering the lemon trees she gave me years ago.. She spoke to me. I told her," I hear you mom, let me water your trees." I went to the fornt to water more things... "I said ok, I am coming now... just let me wrap up the hose..."
I got in my car, and my cell was lighting up...HURRY MOM IS GOING, NURSE IS HERE... COME QUICK.. !! text after text.
got in my car, and made it there in a minute to two minutes.... I sped through signs, etc. I ran into the door, and the nurse pronounced her time of death. I know she passed before then.. I heard her calling for me....... I know... Just wished I had not left when I did.... I mean I was there all night long....What was I going to do. lay down and sleep?... MOM,,,,Please forgive me... for EVERYTHING... PLEASE..please. Her passing was the biggest sign I recall after that. I still ask, and I get answers..not as loudly, but I know...she hears.
AND THE BIGGEST ATHEIST OF ALL: MY DAD... Boy, did he talk to me after he passed.... He had the biggest changeover of people I know...AMAZING!!

ThankYou So Much for Sharing about the responsibilities and a "calling"
Thankyou. !

Hello! I personally think the things you are talking about are precious! For some reason, several of my family members (grandmothers and great-grandmothers) had the responsibility of taking care of family members who were going to pass away. I seem to be the one in my generation who has that 'calling', position, or gift. Those who take care of the dying are the special angels here on Earth to help us get back where we came from. Besides family members, I worked as the night admitting clerk in a hospital in Oregon where one of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs are taken. There are a lot of familial causes of suicide and alcoholism etc., but combine that with living down a canyon with a river on one side and a rock mountain on the other and there will be a lot of accidents, pain and suffering as well as death. I had the responsibility of calling the time of death for patients in the E.R. as well as calling the mortuary and watching over the patients until the mortuary came to get the patients' bodies. I can testify to you that we here on Earth seem to have a mandate from God to watch over our bodies until they are put in their final resting place. I have heard them speak; I have seen them standing over their bodies; I have felt so many spirits AFTER death and sometimes you can't SEE anything but the room is packed so full of people that it can be stifling and uncomfortable. I have people who are dying ask me to move because they are getting instructions from the other side and I'm standing in their way! If we try to accept these things as sacred and precious, it will help us not be scared. We are all going to's the only way to get back HOME! I hope this helps.

Perhaps the cat wasn't so much as your mom, but a symbol from your mom to you. Telling you that she is okay!

Just something for you to think about!

I agree with you Polarbear!
I once told that when we die we go into a deep sleep until Jesus comes back. As this person was talking about how our souls will be sleeping all I could do was think "if all the souls are sleeping then why have I seen so many?" I asked that person that very question and he/she came back with reasons I knew to be untrue!

As a small child I knew about death. My mother nor my dad told me anything about it...I just knew! When my mother's dad died I was six and I knew he was never to be seen again. I told my mother at the time that grandpa died and we will never see him again. She asked me "does that make you sad?" I said, "no, he wasn't nice!" She then asked me, "how do you know that death means we will never see grandpa again?" I said, "I don't know...I just know!" I remember this conversation like it was yesterday and I also remember the look on my mother's face!

Back then no one talked about the supernatural. It was just a kid's imagination or if an adult talking about it they were seen as crazy! But I have always known what I am, even if, I didn't know the words. My dad loved me with his whole heart and worried that there was something wrong with me, so I stop telling him what I was seeing and hearing. He knew my mother had a gift, but hers wasn't as strong as mind. At the time, I had no idea what it all meant. I just knew I didn't want my dad to stop loving me!

I didn't asked for it, but I have always embrace it for I know I have no other choice! My mother was a crappie mom, but the one thing she did right was to teach me that it was a gift from GOD and to always listen to it and to never be afraid..."For the Lord is with you."

As for the person who told me that our souls go into a deep sleep. I said this "I know what I know and you can not see the things I have seen and believe that the dead are in a deep sleep. You can't live in this very house and not believe because this house will make a believer out of you!

I also go along with Sir A. C. Doyle.

Thank you Polarbear for the reference!💞

According to the famous novelist Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Homes, who had studied the existence of spirits and the communication with the spirit world for more than 40 years, in his exact words:

"...nobody can say that I formed my opinions on psychic matters very hastily. Ergo, when people come along and contradict me who've had no experience at all, read little and perhaps never been to a seance, you can imagine that I don't take their opposition very seriously.

When I talk on this subject, I'm not talking about what I believe. I'm not talking about what I think. I'm talking about what I know. And there is an enormous difference, believe me, between believing a thing and knowing a thing. I'm talking about things that I've handled, that I've seen, that I've heard with my own ears, and always, mind you, in the presence of witnesses."

I whole heartedly agree with Sir A. C. Doyle. I've seen with my own eyes and heard with my ears, and I know that after our bodies die, we live on as spirits. That's because I have seen and heard from spirits.

On Amazon Prime, there are numerous documentaries about life after death. If anyone is open minded and interested in learning more, here are links to three of them.

The Scole Experiment: The After Life Investigation

The Life after Death Project 1

The Life after Death Project 2

Thank you for sharing that wonderful story. I too believe that your husband came to visit was real!

Sorry! I missed understood you! LOL

My mum died in the Victoria Hospital hospice on Aug. 28th, 2001 (I recall that date vividly as it was just before 9/11). She was 77 and had died of multiple myeloma. It was abt 8 pm, I think. Anyway we all lingered there - my stepdad and -sister, her grown daughter, and me. We went to the rooftop garden and gathered a few flowers to put around her face. It was sad, but at least she wasn't in pain anymore.

Mum had always kept a Siamese cat or two. Always. Since I was a very small child. Unfortunately I was as allergic as hell to cats, so she had to have him put down - she tried the RSPCA, but he "pined" - not eating or drinking, and yowling his face off. (Well, Siamese cats are like that - if they aren't nattering at you or talking to you or yelling at you they must be have died or escaped, and that's the crux of my story.)

We were all driving back from the hospital and it was dark outside - pitch black. They lived a distance from there, I remember that bc we drove thru some countryside.

Now, who lets a Siamese cat out anyway, let alone at night?? I wouldn't. And anyway they always stay close to home bc you are their human and if you aren't there, all cat hell breaks loose bc WHERE ARE YOU! How dare you leave me!

So suddenly there appeared in a dark ditch at the side of the road this shrieking, maniacal Siamese cat - and I blurted out "There's mum! It's mum!" We all had a good laugh over that, but I've never forgotten it and I've wondered what it meant. Many years later I read a book by Patricia Pearson (the granddaughter of a former PM - he won the Nobel for that kaffuffle over Suez) called "Opening Heaven's Door", about strange things that had happened to her wrt her dad's and sister's deaths. I believe it.

So depressing this year - Toronto in lockdown for a month, me living two hours away from it so I can't see my kids and grandkids. I have a few neighbours but they are all in bubbles of their own. I am my very own bubble - think of that!

Happy New Year!

OntCrip, formerly Jingles

I remember freqflyer, GardenArtist, CountryMouse, Golden?

Someone always told me ;; DEATH IS OKAY.

It is a part of life... These bodies are not made to live forever. This was over 10 years ago....

And with COVID around... It doesn't really seem like an actual "thing"
Until it actually reaches its tentacles out.
and when it penetrates the walls of YOUR LIFE , you realize...

THIS IS REAL............ REAL FREAKING REAL.... 5,000 body bags destined for your STATE.... okay... that is real..
when your kid has a sleep-over, and it is cancelled because a sibling was SUBJECTED TO SOMEONE WHO WAS TESTED POSITIVE......... THANKFULLY SLEEPOVER WAS CANCELLED.... BEFORE MORE PEOPLE WERE EXPOSED.

I told my best friend..we walk often with our dogs... I can't come over anymore... SHE HAS BEEN TELLING ME THIS FOR A LONG TIME... I FINALLY GET IT.......... I CANNOT BE AROUND ANYONE FOR A LONG TIME...


Why?... what can we do? social distancing... Christmas presents that you don't like? You have 30 days for which you can return them... Just wait... material things you got for christmas can wait a bit.. until 30 days usually.....
New years? take a bottle of fuzzy stuff, zoom or face time, and salute... No need to be in a crowd.... or party...

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