Replacing the much lamented 'On My Mind' profile option, this thread is for musings, jottings, whimsies, preoccupations and the rest of the thesaurus for anyone to jot down anything they please.
I can't remember what the maximum character count was before, can anyone else? But anyway it wasn't very many so let's keep to that.
(old woman shaking her fist at the sky) lol
I am seeing this all the time in post questions now.
Who has the skivvy for me?
It sounds like time to curl up in your favorite spot and watch Hallmark with a bowl of popcorn.
I hope you are well supplied
I heard out towards Buffalo it's going to snow till tomorrow
Cwillie, I think that is about 2 feet?
Nacy, how much snow you usually get up (and over) there? And when it falls, does it stick around for weeks and cause havoc? I don’t miss the snow at our old place except seeing the morning sun on it before anyone had driven down the hill. And I loved studying individual snowflakes on the windows; such magical things. That doesn’t happen here.
Doggiemom, I can count on 1 hand the number of times a vacation has been absolutely perfect and my heart was in a place to receive it as such. Your Thanksgiving sounds like one of those times. I hope the Ohio trip is the same.
Doggiemom, that sounds like a very nice Thanksgiving. Glad the pups did well! Boyfriend 💓 💓 I'm so happy for you.
Anna, a post office strike? That must be making annoying?
I'm going to Ohio at the end of December to visit with my boyfriend. I have never been to Ohio so should be interesting.
I don't send xmass cards either, just a few, very few
Remember when people used to include those awful braggy letters in Christmas cards? ‘Daughter got her phD; grandchild graduated top of his class in Montessori school; whole family traveling together to save the rain forest for vacation’ etc. Put me off Christmas cards forever. Way, your small acts of thoughtfulness are so much more precious.
Alva, it’s been such a rough year for you. I can certainly understand you being eager to move on. I’m hoping for smoother sailing in 2025 for everyone.
Alva -you and yours have had quite a year. So sorry about your dd and that dreadful pain. It wears one down. I don't think the grim reaper is coming your way anytime soon.
Nacy they sound like a necessity for you. So glad your back pain is less.
send - awesome! But not the walking on eggshells. Can you let that go?
First Christmas miracle here. R has spontaneously cleaned out the floor of the front hall closet. (I could hardly get a boot in there when I came.) It's looking organized and much more user friendly. I am very grateful . He says next thing today he will get the Christmas stuff up from the storage locker. Looking good.
I said nothing after my first request, gave up.
Dh came through! It's a start, and may be finished at any time.
I can only hope. Or not, does it really matter?
Do the lights stay on overnight? Ours do.
This is a year of new behaviors (for both of us.)
Walking on eggshells, not sleeping at night.
my year started with my new cancer and ended with N.'s stroke.
I would say it has been the year from Hades, but looked at another way we are still standing if a bit more wobbly-ish. So, I'm very grateful for fabulous (this atheist wants to say "miraculous") care throughout both "incidents."
My daughter is battling massive chronic pain having found out that her back/hip pain comes not from her bulging back disc but from the fact that several knock-down drag-outs from the out-of-control "special needs" little ones she monitors in school, that occurred several years, ago resulted in torn tendons and two muscles actually torn from hip bone anchor and left a few years to flap in the wind.
FINALLY someone thought "better MRI the hip, too" and there it was. Said the Doc "What happened? You fell off the horse and then the horse fell ON you?".
She's working her way through it with PT, with with a new procedure come January (anyone have "tenex"?), but it is constant pain night and day and she is so far avoiding the "pain clinic" (yeah, talking the good drugs or the bad drugs) by every means possible. Nothing so depressing as chronic pain and at 63 come Feb. she still has to try to put in a few more years on SS. Add that she's had two women friends newly diagnosed with breast cancer and "dealing".
Seems to me this year was so heavy on medical for everyone I know. I lost a neighbor next door. I keep expecting the Grim Reaper at the door instead of Amazon these days. So far it's been Amazon. Knock on wood (door).
I hope all take care. I am looking forward to turning the page on this year, myself.
I’d rather cook and drop off a meal for them than sit and write Christmas cards to other people who I know are doing well and the card will be looked at for 5 seconds and thrown out . 🤔🤔🤔
cw - good luck with the car. I agree there comes a point. My last one was a 2 yr old demo which is what I like to get. It's 10 years old now and still driving like a dream.
nacy - early in our relatioship R once tried to tell me how to clean the glass surface of my stove. I think that was the last time he tried to tell me how to do anything in my kitchen. I don't think I said much. It would have been the tone and the look. He's not a micromanager by nature - rather the opposite.
Psue - We used a plug in thingy which is supposed to work for rodents, but we needed to keep birds from pecking at the front of the house - in between cats. It worked on sound waves I think. Got it on Amazon. It's great when your man is good at repairs. I am very grateful for R's various skills.
Over the years, the revolving restaurant has been a place we go for special events. The view is awesome and the buffet is great. Calgary will be a nice trip for a few days. R will spend lots of time with his youngest grandsons. The hotel has a terrific water slide feature. I will stay quiet which is what I need. Rambunctious boys, for any length of time, are a bit much for me.