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Hi Jan: Significant dates reinforce the loss. You miss her everyday, but Christmas, birthdays, date of diagnosis, date of passing are all such a slap in the face.

That's one of the things I hate about dates. It's really just another day, but for those who have lost a loved one, especially a child, those dates can be a giant weight on our hearts.

I don't know how to make it easier. Can you go to a church and light a candle for her. Maybe just plant something in her memory, a special garden for you to tend. I don't know if that would be comforting or hurtful.

How are her children doing. I hope you are in their lives and can see her in them. That is a special gift that she left your family and the world.

A date is 24 hours. You will get through it. Tomorrow is another day and one to look forward too.

My heart goes out to you. Love, Cattails.

Bill thank you for the update what a mircle-thank you for sharing that with us-for those who are grieving I hope there is some kind of support group where those with losses can go and get help and more important help those who can not handle their loss.

Dear Eileen,
I am 25 years old and i just lost my mother of cancer. The last moths were like staring in a thriller that would go worse and worse every day. I was her caregiver and had to watch her fade day by day without the ability to do anything keep her. I dropped everything in my life and stood by her for every extremely difficult minute of this unbearable illness, the last months were like i was taking care of a beautiful small child, In the last days she couldnt even remember my name. I love my mother more than anyone.. much more than myself. I know that some loses are more natural then others but I am sure that the ones that stay behind live an excruciating endless pain and this is the hardest path because our beloved ones are in a better place now, let us be the ones to carry all this heavy burden and may they be in peace.

Im so so sorry to hear about your divorce and losing your daughter to that Evil disease!!Im 48 my husband was 54 and he died a month ago with primary liver cancer that had spread to every organ.He was having bad pain in his back which he thought was kidney stone.we went to emergency Room and found out it was cancer and he died in my arms at home 8 weeks later.we had been together 15 years.And i feel the exact same as you do.Nothing is real anymore i feel so alone and out of place like i dont belong anywhere.Nothing excites me nothing brings me joy its like i just exist and i dont even want to exist

I lost my son this past April. (2017) he was 38. He was my oldest. My 3rd child a daughter ,her dad, me ,her sister ,her niece, her step mother and her half brother will say our last good byes tomorrow (01-2018) she is dying for breast cancer. She is 25. I will have a daughter left.


I'm so sorry for your loss and that your daughter is dying so young.

The worst pain in the world is the pain of losing a child. I am so sorry. May God give you the strength to face this pain.

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